
逍遥右脑  2014-03-08 09:34

Unit Two (Reading)
一、 短语翻译
be common to teenagers
turn up
a waste of time
an unpleasant experience with sb.
force sb to do sth
6. 比预期的早一天
a day earlier than expected
7.be too hard on sb
can’t wait to do
leave sb in charge
expect a good decision from sb.
go unpunished
have one’s arms crossed
give sb. a chance to explain
deserve to know the truth
15. 以…形式in the form of
16. 给出…的理由
give a reason for sth.
17. 在某方面不同differ in /be different in
18. 跟某人因为某事而争辩
argue with sb. about sth.
1. Growing up can be difficult. (p21)成长不容易。
growing up是动名词短语作主语。
1) Sb.’s/sb. doing是动名词的复合结构,可在句中作主语或宾语。
2) 动名词作主语时,谓语动词用单数。主语过长时,用it 做形式主语
① Finding a good place to live continues to be one of the man’s most urgent problems.
②Tom’s returning so soon surprised me.(汤姆返回)
③Reading English is easier than speaking it. (读英语)
④It is no use arguing with him. (和他辩论)
补充词组:grow up成长,长大 grow into长成,发展成grow out of 产生自;戒掉
2. Do you have to turn up your music so loud? (p21)你非得把音乐声调得这么大吗?
turn up 1)旋大;开大。
Turn the radio up a little. It's too low. (把收音机声音开大点)
① 他突然出现在会上。 He suddenly turned up at the meeting.
② 你丢掉的钢笔总有一天会出现的。 Your lost pen will surely turn up one day.
3.Don't you think this is a waste of time? (p21)难道你不认为这是浪费时间吗?
常用句型 a waste of …浪费……
It's a waste of …doing sth. 做某事是浪费……
waste…on sth. 在……上浪费……
waste…(in)doing sth. 浪费……做某事
①It's a waste of time waiting any longer. (再等下去)
②Much energy is wasted producing things that are thrown away.(生产扔掉的东西)
③You're wasting your time trying to persuade him. He'll never join us. (想劝说他)
④She wasted too much money on those books.(买那些书)
4. When you have a problem and want to talk to someone, who do you choose to talk to? (p21) 当你有问题想跟人谈一谈时,你喜欢跟谁谈呢?
choose v. 选择;决定;喜欢;宁愿
①I had to choose between the two. (在两者间做选择)
②I want to choose her a nice present.==I want to choose a nice present for her.
③There are many types to choose from.(可选)
④He chose to stay home while all the others went to the cinema.(选择了)
⑤We chose her as/to be monitor.选她做班长。
补充:choice n. 选择,抉择,挑拣上的人/物 make a choice做选择
have no choice but to do 只好,不得不
at one’s own choice 任意地,随意地
5. Mom and Dad arrive back from vacation a day earlier than expected. (p22)
expect预想, 预期,料想 than expected比预料的 as expected如预料的那样
①There are more people present than expected.(比预料)
②The film was not interesting as expected.(不如预料)
6. Eric runs in after it, followed by a big dog,walking very slowly.(p22)
followed by… 过去分词短语作伴随或方式状浯,表示被动含义。
①The boy spent the night locked in the room.
②He sat in the corner of the room, crying sadly.
Do you know the boy (who is) lying under the big tree?
There was a terrible noise following the sudden burst of light.
7.The money with which you were to buy dog food is gone,but Spot looks so hungry! (p22) 你应该用来买狗食的钱不见了,但Spot却一副饿相。
were to在此表示过去的计划和安排。was/were to还可表示纯过去将来时的意义。be to do结构常用来表示计划;安排;指示;命令或要求等,它也可以表示可能性或注定要发生的事情。提示:be to可用于条件状语从句中,表示“想要” (should/want to)。
①Their daughter is to be married soon.(快要结婚了)
②No one is to leave the building. (任何人不得离开)
③You are to be back by 10 o'clock.(你要在十点前回来)
④If you are to see him, you must come early. (你要见他,你就得早点来)
be gone: gone在句中作表语表示状态。gone形式上为过去分词,但它常被用作形容词,作表语或补足语,表示“离开了的;(时间)过去了;(物)不见了,用完了,消逝了”等意。
①How long do you think you'll be gone? (你要离开多久?)
②When I came back,my car was gone. (不见了)
③Gone are the days when we used foreign oil.(日子一去不复返)
8.We didn’t think you would let the house get so dirty.
当think, believe, suppose, expect, fancy, imagine等动词的主语为第一人称,且本身为一般现在时态时,其后的宾语从句的否定词通常转移到主句中,即主句的谓语动词用否定式,而从句的谓语动词用肯定式。否定转移是指否定形式在谓语动词,而否定的信息焦点却在状语和表语,或否定形式在主句,而否定的信息焦点却在从句。这是英语的一种习惯思维方法,与汉语不同,应予注意。现分类归纳如下:
1.not+think,believe,suppose,imagine…+that-clause 在这种句式中,not从宾语从句的谓语动词的前面转移到了主句谓语动词think,believe,suppose等的前面。例如:
I'm sorry,but I don't think I know you.对不起,我想我并不认识你。
I don't believe he'll come.我想他是不会来的。
I don't think you've met Xiao Wang,have you?我想你没碰见过小王,对吗?
2.not…because(of) 这种结构中的 not否定的是后面 because引导的从句或 because of引起的介词短语。也就是说,not从because(of)的前面转移到了主句或整个句子的谓语动词的前面。例如:
He was not ready to believe something just because Aristotle said so.他并不只是因为亚里士多德说过某事如何如何,就轻易相信它。
I didn't take a raincoat because it was raining.我不是因为下着雨才带雨衣的。
3.not…+动词不定式或介词短语 在这类结构中,我们实际上是将否定后面不定式的not转移到了谓语动词上。如:
Jack doesn’t seem to like you.(= Jack seems not to like you.)杰克看来不喜欢你。
He didn't take the boy from the tracks to safety to win his own fame,but to benefit the boy's parents.他把男孩从铁轨上抱到安全地带,不是为了获得个人的名誉,而是为了孩子的父母。
He didn't come here by train.他不是乘火车来的。
9.This is not the family where bad behavior goes unpunished and you…
go unpunished 意思是“不会被惩罚”这儿go 是连系动词表示“保持某种状态”(通常不是期待的状态):in a particular and usually undesirable state
His complaints went unnoticed. (他的抱怨没有人注意。)
All the man here go armed (这儿所有的人都武装起来。)
The food easily goes bad in the summer. ( 食物在夏季很容易边坏。)
It is necessary not to let errors go uncorrected. (不能让错误不订正是必须的。)
课 堂 检 测
no more computer games
feel like doing sth
should have done
make good decisions
differ in /be different in
call me at/on
have one’s arms crossed
now that
act as
( in) a mess
1. Recently I bought a second-hand car ____D______ was very low.
A. which price B. the price of whose C. its price D. whose price
2. Is this factory ___C___we visited last year? www.xkb1.cn
  A. where  B. in which  C. the one  D. at which
3. We visited the factory __ B__ makes toys for children.
A. where B. which C. in which D. at which
4. I have many friends, D some are businessmen.
A. of them B. from which C. who of D. of whom
5. The doctor A she sent her friend is very famous.
A. to whom B. to whose C. whom D. at whom
6. Don’t be too hard ___ B ___the boy; he didn’t mean _____ it.
A. at; doing B. on; to do C. on; doing D. for; to do
7. This box is so heavy that he cannot lift it. __D__ , he is only a ten-year-old child.
A. In all B. Above all C. At all D. After all
8. There was a terrible thunder __B__the sudden burst of light.
A. followed B. following C. was followed D. which was followed by
9. I insisted that he __C__, which means I insisted on ____.
A. should go; he goes B. go; he goes
C. he should go; him going D. would go; his going
10. Mother’s expression suggested she __D__ angry, so I suggested Father ____ talking to her. A. should be; would stop B. be; should stop C. was; stopped D. was; stop 11. I can hardly hear the radio.Would you please C ? (NMET 1995) A. turn it on B. turn it down C.turn it up D. turn it off 12. A two exams to worry about, I have to work really hard this weekend. (2004北京) A. With B. Besides C. As for D. Because of
13. ??Do you think the Stars will beat the Bulls? (NMET 1999)
——Yes. They have better players, so I C them to win.
A. hope B. prefer C. expect D. want
14. Laws that punish parents for their 1ittle children's actions against the laws got parents A (2004重庆) .
A. worried B. to worry C. worrying D. worry
15. C you've got a chance,you might as well make full use of it. (NMETl999)
A. Now that B. After C. Although D. As soon as
1.你丢掉的笔终会找到的。Your lost pen will surely turn up one day .
2.他迫不及待地要到市场去。 He can’t wait to go to the market.
3.我不会参加聚会,除非邀请我。I won’t go to the party unless invited.
4.他们注定以后永远不再见面They were never to see each other.

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上一篇:Unit 1.Lifestyle导学案
下一篇:A perfect day教案

