
逍遥右脑  2014-02-14 09:51

I. 重点词汇
1 disapprove vt vi 不赞成
2 disguise vt n 伪装
3 disgusting adj 烦恼的
4 distinction n 辨别,优良
5 drawback n 障碍
6 excavate vt 挖掘
7 fade vi 凋谢,退去
8 fateful adj 重要的, 命中注定的
9 fascinating adj 迷人的

II. 重点短语1
1 gain distinction 出名
2 distinguish between good and evil 分清善恶
3 divisions between rich and poor 贫富差异
4 take effective measures 采取有效地措施
5 to be exact 确切的说
6 meet / answer / come up to one's expectations 不负某人所望
7 fade away 消失,离去
8 treat sb fairly 公平的对待某人

III. 佳句赏析
1 We have a dynamic English teacher .
2 Fine feathers make fine birds .
3 The plane climbed to a dizzy height .
4 The cry faded out .
IV. 词汇练习
1 ---- Does this meal cost 30yuan?
---- I ___ something far better than this .
A prefer B expect C suggest D suppose
2 It is difficult to ___ one twin from the other .
They almost don't __ from each other .
A differ , distinguish B distinguish , different
C distinguish , differ D tell , different
3 --- People should stop using their cars and start using public transport .
---- ____ . The road are too crowded as it is .
A All right B Exactly C Go ahead D Fine

V. 短语练习
1 He ____ the bag and brought out a couple of coins
A put into B dragged into C dived into D caught into
2 The TV set is already ten years old , so the sound is not as good as before and to make matters worse , the pictures suddenly began to ___ yesterday .
A fade out B turn out C drop out D give out

IV. 词汇练习 BCB
V. 短语练习 CA

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上一篇:2012年高考英语知识点必修三Module 2单元总复习教案

