高一英语上册Unit 11-12单元专题复习教案

逍遥右脑  2014-02-13 10:06

高一课本 Unit 11-12
Study aim: Grasp the following words and sentence structure and remember how to use them.
Study guide: Read the new words and fill in the blanks in about 20 minutes.
Study test: Finish the exercise given.
1. What do you think the music comes from? do you think 作插入语
插入语一般是对一句话作一些附加的解释。如果去掉插入语,对句子结构并无影响。插入语可用于陈述句, 或疑问句(要用陈述语气,且疑问词应放在插入语的前面),其位置可在句中或句末。常见的插入语有:I hope, I think, I wonder, do you believe, I suppose, you see, don’t you think, , I tell you, what’s more等。 划出以下句子的插入语。
⑴How much money did he say he spent in traveling abroad?
⑵Which food do you think is healthy and which is unhealthy?
⑶Where did she suggest we should shopping? 她建议我们去哪儿购物?
⑷That will be a good beginning, I hope. 希望这是一个良好的开端。
⑸The report, I think, was both interesting and instructive. 我觉得这个报告既有意思又有教育意义。
⑹When do you suppose they’ll be back? 你认为他们会在什么时候回来?
2. You want to find a good sang to dance to. 不定式作后置定语
(1)to dance to 是不定式作定语,修饰名词song,并与之形成动宾关系,表示的行为通常是未来的行为,若动词不及物,则应加上适当介词。如:
New York is a nice place to visit. 纽约是个游览的好地方。
Could you find me a chair to sit on? 能给我找把椅子坐吗?
练习:I have many books _____________________. (read)
He is a pleasant person __________________________. 与他一起工作是令人高兴的一件事情。
She bought a bookshelf ____________________________. 她买了一个放书的书架。
There are five pairs ________________________, but I'm at a loss which to buy. (choose)
It seems that he has no pen ________________________. (write)
(2)注意:“prep +which或whom +不定式”这一特殊的放在名词后做定语的结构:
I had to find a room in which to store my books . 必须找一个存放书的房间。
Could you find me a chair _______________________ 能给我找把椅子坐吗?
He is an easy person________________________. 与他一起工作是令人高兴的一件事情。
3. If only they could find a way to get to the room, or whatever it was, behind the wall. 要是他们能找到办法进入墙后面的房间或是什么其他东西,该有多好啊!
If only “但愿…,要是…就好了”, 此短语后接句子,句中的谓语动词要用虚拟语气。
① 表示已过去了的不能实现的愿望,谓语动词用had done。 If only I had taken his advice!
② 表达现在不可实现的愿望,谓语动词用一般过去时。 If only I could swim!
③ 表达将来难以实现的愿望,谓语动词用would /could + do或一般过去时。
If only she would help me!
[辨析] if only与only if: if only 多用于虚拟语气;only if 多用于陈述语气,only 修饰 if,表示惟一的条件。
4. The next time you look for a tape, don't just look for Chinese or American music.
(the) next time (conj.)引导时间状语从句, 译为 “当下次…时”。 类似的名词有:the moment, the instant, the minute, the second, the first time, each time, every time,the last time等。
Next time you come, don’t bring any fruits. I must tell Lucy your secret the next time I meet her.
练习:_____________________________(下次你来时), do remember to bring your son here.
______________________________(上次我见到他时), he looked ill.
_______________________________(每次我感冒),I must have a fever.
5. satisfy v. satisfaction n. satisfactory / satisfying adj. 令人满意的 satisfied adj. 感到满意的
▲ 搭配:be satisfied with 对……感到满意 be satisfied to do sth. 做某事满意
to sb's satisfaction = to the satisfaction of sb 令某人满意/确信 with satisfaction 满意地
练习:(1)Our company will do everything to ____________our customers. 我们公司….令顾客满意。
(2)The result of the examination is very ________________. 考试的结果非常令人满意。
(3)__________________________, he passed the exam. 使我满意的是,他通过了考试。
(4) The teacher was very ____________________ the work the students did yesterday. 老师对…感到十分满意。
(5)He looked at his son with a smile of _______________. 他看着他的儿子,露出满意的微笑。
(6) From his ______________ look I know he is _____________to work here. 从他满意的神情可以看出,他很满意在这里工作。
6. He knew that the church had many secret rooms and that not all of them were safe.
7. be +of + n.的用法
(1)of + n.(抽象句词)相当于该名词相应的形容词,在句中可用作表语,补语或定语,能用于该句型的名词help/use/ value/ importance/humor/determination等,其对应的形容词分别为:helpful/ useful/ valuable/ important/humorous/determined .
① This book is of great use. =__________________________________________这本书很有用。
②His advice is very valuable.=______________________________________他的建议很有价值。
③English is very important to us.=______________________________________________.
④He is a man of great determination and we all admire him.
(2)be +of +a +n. =be +of +the same + n用来表示相同或相似
①They are of a height. =They are of the same height.他们身高一样。
②The flowers are of a color .= The flowers are of the same color .这些花颜色一样。
8. suggest 的用法:
(1) suggest + n. /doing He suggested setting out at once.
(2) suggest that 作“建议”讲,从句中用should , 可以省略。作“表明”讲,不用虚拟语气。
The doctor suggested that I not work any longer. ____________
All the evidence suggests that he stole the money. ____________
(3)suggestion作“建议”讲时,是可数名词,其后无论跟表语从句还是同位语从句,从句都应用should do, should可省略。 He agreed with my suggestion that we (should) change the date.
His suggestion was that the match(should)be put off.

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上一篇:高一必修1 Unit2学案及答案(集体备课)
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