Key to success教案

逍遥右脑  2013-12-17 10:35

Reference for Teaching?
A Discussion with Bill Gates?
Mr Bill Gates,do you still write the code?How many hours do you spend on coding every day or each week?Or when was the last time you wrote any code??
I still love to write code.You know I,in the early days of Microsoft,I reviewed everyone’s code.And it was kind of fun when I knew all the lines of code.But,of course,we’ve gone far beyond that.Most of the code I write is actually just so I can learn.I’m writing some web service programs,so I can see how hard it is to do that.I’m really trying to think now how we make it so people don’t have to write so many lines of code.Sometimes when I meet with product groups,and they say something is going to be very hard to do,I say to them,“Oh,I could come in this weekend and do that.”But I’m afraid they...maybe they don’t really believe me anymore,because it’’s been a long time since I’ve done that,I have to admit.?
Mr Bill Gates,I was told people in Microsoft work very,very,very hard.So how many hours did you work??
Well,I think,you know,hard work is a really great thing.And the fact that people love their jobs,they’re very committed to their jobs,they... they believe in the vision of what we can help create.We...we are very strong on that.We also think that people should work in a way that would be sustainable.You know,we want people to have a long career.We want them to have a good balance in terms of family activities and their work.In my case,I...I generally work about,oh,60 hours a week.And so I can still be very intense I take two weeks a year where I just go off and do nothing but...other than read and sleep a little bit and think about the future of software.And that’s so I can catch up with the very rapid developments that are taking place.?
Bill,what is your dream computer??
Well,I,you know,I’m personally someone who loves the...the Tablet Computer.The idea of being able to go into meetings and have my notes in ink and to be able to send off messages right while I’m in that meeting,navigate the information,annotate the presentations.You know,I...I think we...we should have every student have a Tablet PC.You know,the tablet has a microphone so it can record what’s said.And eventually that’ll be connected up to the speech recognition.Of course,it’ll be connected up to that wireless network.And so for part of the time I’ll use the Tablet.Then when I go to my desk,today I have three 22-inch LCDs.So I have a big visual area,and I can have my schedule,my e-mails,my browsing,and just really take full advantage of my field of view.In fact,we’re inventing new techniques for window management and document layout because what I have today,although it’s expensive,eventually that kind of screen technology should be available to everyone.And...and so what I have when I walk around,what I have on my desk are slightly different.And the software should make it automatic that those work well together.?
I’m a developer in a local software company.And we...we are always compared with our Indian counterparts,and both countries have a lot of things in common:a very big market,a deep talent pool,greater potential.But it seems to me India is being so much better than China.I’m very frustrated.Now why is that?Can you tell us??
Well,I think it’s very impressive that with all the incredible things going on in China,China’s always looking at is there anyone doing it,something better.Is there anything we need to learn,you know.What has the US done about innovation and intellectual property?What has India done about outsourcing,even if it take five years,ten years.You know,China’s gonna make the investment to be world class.I had a...a meeting with the...the...the ministers involved education.And they were,you know,saying,“Are we doing the right things?”And I...I certainly think the strategy’s in place.English skills are very important,and the quality of the software training.And this is something where Miscrosoft is partnering now with the universities,you know,trying to make sure the curriculum is really strong,up to date,and...and turns out lots of people.India had the advantage of having the...the history of some English speaking,and they had the Indian Insititute of Technology.And I think it’s great.There are...there are things to learn from India.There are things to learn from the United States.Don’t lose sight of the fact,though,that China amazing in terms of its leadership in so many areas.And...and that the fact that China’s such a powerhouse in manufacturing and other areas means that you will developing software skills and using those and then able to take that expertise and...and engage software export.?
Being too old,he couldn’t walk that far.?
替换:Because he was too old,he couldn’t walk that far.?
Working in the factory,we learned a lot from the workers.?
替换:When we worked in the factory,we learned a lot from the worker.?
Standing on the building,you can see the whole city.?
替换:If you stand on the building,you can see the whole city.?
Many trees had been blown down by the high winds,blocking roads,paths and railway lines.?
替换:Many trees had been blown down by the high winds and blocked roads,paths and railway lines.?
One woman was lying in bed,listening to the rushing winds.?
替换:One woman was lying in bed,and she was listening to the rushing winds.?
Children usually count the numbers using their fingers.?
替换:Children usually count the numbers by using their fingers.?
Helped by my friends,I smoothed away all the difficulties.?
替换:As I was helped by my friends,I smoothed away all the difficulties.?
Given enough time we can improve our work.?
替换:If we are given enough time,we can improve our work.?
The professor came into the classroom,followed by his assistants.?
替换:The professor came into the classroom and was followed by his assistants.?
误:Seen from the space,I find the earth blue.?
正:Seen from the space,the earth looks blue.?
正:Seeing from the space,I find the earth blue.?
While reading the book,he nodded from time to time.?
Be careful when riding a bike in the street.?
Weather permitting,we’ll go out for a walk.?
(1)在require do和require sth.of sb.中,require意为“要求,(作为权利或依据权利)坚持”,主语为人。?
①require do的意思是“要求某人做(某事)”,可用于被动语态,其结构为be required to do。有时用It is/was required that-clause。?
It is requried that you arrive at 8 a.m./You are required to arrive at 8 a.m.?
②require sth.of sb.意为“向某人要求(得到)某物”。?
What do you requrie of her??
(2)在require to be done和required doing中,require的意思是“需要”。此时两种结构表示的意思相同,意为“(某事)需要做一下”,主语为事物。?
The garden requires to be cleaned.?
The garden requires cleaning.?
注意:类似require doing和require to be done这种用法的词还有want和need。?
1.make use of,make the most of,make the best of?
(1)make use of是普通意义上的“利用”,通常可在use前加定语表示如何利用。?
We must make full use of the fine weather.?
(2)make the most of的意思是“尽量利用,使……发挥最大效能”。?
You should make the most of your time.?
(3)make the best of的意思也是“尽量利用,充分利用”,但它侧重于在不利的条件下尽量利用某东西,使之发挥最大效能。?
We must learn to make the best of a bad job.?
The base of the statue is made of stones.?
We must unite on the basis of Marxism-Leninism.?
the foundation of a building?
Give me your reasons for refusing.?
The cause of the accident was carelessness.?
Don’t stay away without good cause.?
4.responsible for,responsible to,responsible to...for?
(1)responsible for意为“对(某事)负责”,后跟表示事物的名词(代词)或动词-ing形式作宾语。可表示对已发生的具有不良影响的事有不可推卸的责任,即“某人或事是……的根源或原因”;也可表示某人在道义上对他人有某种义务;还可以表示对要去做的事情有决定如何做的权利并对其后果负责。?
Who is responsible for breaking the glass??
(2)responsible to意为“对(某人)负责”,后跟表示人的名词或代词作宾语,表示某人在道义上对他人有某种义务。?
You are responsible to the manager.?
(3)responsible to...for是上述两个短语的综合,意为“在(某事上)对(某人)负责”。?
You should be responsible to me for my safety.?
(1)Thousands of young people come to the city.?
They come to look for jobs.?
答案:Thousands of young people come to the city,looking for jobs.?
(2)I felt tired.?
I went to bed.?
答案:Feeling tired,I went to bed.?
(3)He looked out of his office window.?
He found that his car was not where he had parked it.?
答案:Looking out of his office window,he found that his car was not where he had parked it.?
(4)The children were scared by the story.?
They began to cry.?
答案:Being scared by the story,the children began to cry.?
(5)The boy didn’t know what to do.?
He sat down.?
答案:Not knowing what to do,the boy sat down.?
(6)They thought that they were lost.?
They began to call their friends.?
答案:Thinking that they were lost,they began to call their friends.?
以“All for Money”为题,根据下面四幅图,叙述一下你的一段经历,最后写一下你自己的感受。?

All for Money?
One day,I was going to visit Shenyang by train.After I got on the train,I put tea into my mug and waited for the attendant to pour water.Then from the loudspeaker came the announcer’s voice:“Attention,please.We are sorry to tell you that no hot water is supplied in our train.”Most passengers were surprised at this.We were eager to have a drink,but what should we do??

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