
逍遥右脑  2013-09-02 09:13

j.Co M Heroes导学案
Communication workshop
Tips:A friend is easier lost than found .
Learning aims: Learn to write a short composition and try to sing a song .
Learning important and difficult points:The skills of writing
Learning process :
Step ⅠFinish the following words (A级)
1超级英雄________ 2超人_____________
3灾难 ___________ 4促进,提升_________
5伤害,损害_______ 6犯错误,干坏事_______
7关系____________ 8反应_____________
9________ divorce 10_______ quality
11_______ disabled 12________ confident
13 The conference aims at ________(促进,提升) trade between China and USA.
14 The higher the price, the better the ____________(质量,品质) 。
15 The_____ (关系) between the police and the local community has improved.
16 How did he _____ (反应) to your plan?
17 David’s parents__________(离婚) when he was only six.
Step Ⅱ Listen to the song and complete part of the lyrics with these words : (A级)
{ Clean, cause, screen, mean, fast, was, young }
“James Dean”
--------by The Eagles
James Dean…____ I know just what you _____
James Dean, you said it all so_____
And I know my life would look all right
If I could see it on the silver___
You were the lowdown rebel
If there ever____
Even if you had no____
You were too____to live,
Too____to die,
Bye, bye…
StepⅢ Correct (B级)
My uncle will never forget what was happened to him 1. ____________
yesterday. Yesterday evening, he was invited for a dinner. 2. ____________
He enjoyed his dinner with his friends and drank lots of beers. 3. ____________
As a result, he got drunk. He thought he can drive home 4. ____________
after the meal, though his friends tried to tell him to do so. 5. ____________
A few minutes later, he was winding way on the street. 6. ____________
And then his car ran into a tree. Unluckily, he was still alive. 7. ____________
He was taken to hospital at once. Now he had to stay in 8. ____________
hospital for several days. My uncle is now feeling much sorry 9. ____________
for what he did. He has realized drivers should ever drink. 10. ____________
Step Ⅳ Writing : according to the layout , try to write a short story y (C级)
Setting the scene(describe the time, place, weather. Say what the main character was doing)
[翻译] ____________ Li Ming and I were walking home from school, it was raining and_________________
developmeng of the story (describe the main action)
[翻译] Suddenly, I heard a scream from somewhere ,I saw a woman at a window ,she scream “fire” and____________,
I _____________,which _________________smoke , meanwhile ,a neighbour phoned 119……
conclusion(describe the scene at the end and mention the main character’s feelings)
[翻译] As they were taking me away in an ambulance,
_________________________ ,In the end , a fireman came up to me and thanked me ._________________, I returned to the school .
Step Ⅵ 小结

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上一篇:My First Ride on a Train教学案
下一篇:《unit 3 lesson 1 Chinese Seasonal Festivals》教学指导

