
逍遥右脑  2017-12-08 12:37

Final exams are stressful for many students--and it's no wonder. Finals are designed to allow students to demonstrate how much information they have retained from an entire semester. 期末测试对大部分学生来说是很有压力的。期末测试的主要目标是检测学生在整个学期中掌握了多少知识。 When it comes to preparing for finals, every subject is a little bit different, so you should specialize your study skills for each particular exam. 由于每门科目的不同,在准备期末考试时,对于不同的科目,你应该采取不同的学习策略。 Preparing for Exams in Foreign Language Classes 外语科目的准备
If you're mainly concerned about memorizing a list of new words when learning a foreign language, you can use this color-coding method to memorize vocabulary words. 如果在外语学习中,你较重视词汇的记忆,你可以使用色彩标记的方法来记忆词汇。 If you're preparing for a final exam in a Spanish, you can review a list of common mistakes students make when composing Spanish essays. You may also need to insert Spanish symbols as you create your final essay. Practice early and practice a lot to ace a Spanish test! Sometimes it's necessary to cram for a foreign language final. 比如你在准备西班牙语的考试,你可以复习在写西班牙语文章是常出现的问题。在写文章时,你可能会需要插入一些西班牙的标识。你可以尽早地开始练习确保自己可以通过考试。有时候对于外语类的考试,死记硬背也是必要的。 Preparing for Science Finals 理科考试的准备
Many science teachers like to use multiple choice questions to test students. To prepare for this type of test, you should look closely at the concepts behind themes to make sure you are prepared for "all of the above" and "none of the above" answers. 很多理科科目使用多项选择题来测试学生。针对这种题型,你应该仔细理解概念,来确保你自己可以应对“以上选项均正确”“以上选项均错误”的选项。 When taking a chemistry final, be sure to "mind dump" every memorized equation at the start. 在化学测试之前,确保我们可以熟背化学公式。 Join a study group and seek study advice from other students. 加入学习小组来寻求其他同学的学习建议。 Use common sense when you prepare for test day. Eat right and get enough sleep! 备考前做好常规的准备。摄入适当的饮食并保证足够的睡眠。 Preparing for a Psychology Final 心理学考试的准备
If your psychology teacher offers a test review, it is important to take smart and sensible notes. You can use your review notes to create a practice exam. 如果老师提供了考试提纲,做好详细的笔记是非常重要的。你可以使用提纲笔记来准备考试。 When preparing for a psychology test, it's particularly important to review psychological theories you've covered in class and apply them to real life examples when you can. 在准备心理学测试时,回顾课堂的心理学理论并在实际中加以运用非常重要的。 Preparing for Math Finals 数学考试的准备
For many students, math finals are the most intimidating of all! It's critical to memorize the basic rules that are necessary for working many problems: 对于很多学生来讲,数学是最头疼的科目。记忆基本的原理对解决很多数学问题都是至关重要的。 Final Exams in History 历史考试的准备
History exams will involve memorizing dates as well as memorizing new history terms for your exam. Be sure to brush up on techniques for preparing for a short answer test. 历史考试要求记忆事件时间和历史术语。对于简答题的备考,要确保自己运用正确的学习方法 Many teachers in the social sciences prefer to use essay exam questions. To prepare for an essay exam, you should read over your notes and textbook chapters to search for hidden themes. 许多文科考试喜欢采用问答的题型。对于这种类型的考试,你可以温习笔记或者课本的相应章节来探究隐藏的主题。 Your history final may involve writing a long history paper. Make sure your essay fits the assignment and is formatted correctly. 历史考试也可能要求你写一篇历史论文,确保你的文章符合要求和相应的格式。 Finding a Study Partner 寻找学习伙伴
It is very helpful for many students to study with a good partner. Find a serious student and find a good study space to exchange practice questions and compare notes. 寻找一个合适的学习伙伴对很多学生都是有帮助的。寻找一个认真的伙伴并且在合适的环境中互相测试或参考笔记。 A great study partner will understand some methods or problems that you don't. You will be able to explain some problems to your partner in return. It's a trade-off. 一个好的学习伙伴可以理解一些你并没有掌握的方法或问题。这是一个相互的过程,反过来,你也可以解答对方的疑问。
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上一篇:常考词的语法与用法:character, charge, cheap

