Unit 3 Looking good, feeling good Period2学案

逍遥右脑  2014-02-28 10:03

M1U3 Period2 Dying to be thin
Teaching objectives:
1. to get further understanding of the whole text
2. to learn to use some important words and phrases properly
3. to use the new words and phrases in the daily life.
Important and difficult points:
1. to learn to use some important words and phrases properly
2. to realize the importance of health and how to lose weight correctly
3..to discuss the topic of health and losing weight by using the words and phrases we have learned.
Teaching plan:
Step 1. Revision
1. The teacher asks students to answer the questions to present the topic.
2. Students get clear understanding of the passage by filling in the blanks.
Step 2. Language points
1. learn the following language points
1). Dying to be thin…
2). I used to go to the gym three times a week, but I don’t work out anymore.
3). Every woman wants a slim figure these days.
4). I ‘m trying to lose weight because I’ m so ashamed of my body.
5). I’m now in hospital recovering from liver failure.
6). They contain a harmful chemical that caused my liver to fail.
7). It isn’t worth it.
8). We shouldn’t be embarrassed about our weight.
9). Many people are always going on diets or taking weight-loss pills.
2. use the methods below to learn these language points
1). Give students the context to let them summarize the usage and differences of the words and phrases.
2). Set up real-life situations to help students use what they learned
Step 3. Consolidation
Give different kinds of exercises to help students grasp the use of the words and phrases.
Step 4. Homework
1. Make up a dialogue about health and losing weight by using the words and phrases we have learned.
2. Review the language points we have learned..

A. Fill in the blanks.
Amy (1)_____________go to the gym to (2) _____________.Every woman wants to have a slim (3)________.Since Amy felt (4)__________ of her body, she took some weight-loss pills. These pills really (5)_______.A month later, however, Amy was in hospital (6)_______________ liver (7)_______.She (8)_________taking those pills. Luckily Li Dong in China was an exact (9)_________for her. He (10)________more than half of his liver to save Amy. The (11 )__________to stay slim is a big problem, and some people who are not overweight at all are going on (12)_______.Health is the most important thing in our lives. Don’t (13)________ our health just for looking good . It is not (14) __________it. We shouldn’t be (15)_____________ about our weight.
B. Let’s deal with the usage of the following words and phrases.
1. dying
(1) 请用be dying改写同义句
I can’t wait to surprise the boys . (Unit 2 )
I’m _________ surprise the boys.
The students can’t wait for the sports meeting.
The students are ________ the sports meeting.
(2) 在全运会上(in the National Games)仲满急切想打败王敬之但是他失败了。

学生们都在盼望上海世博会(The World Expo)的到来。

be dying用法:
2.work out
(2) 我花了半个小时解决这个难题。
短语figure out:
4.ashamed / shameful/ shame
(1)他对自己愚蠢的行为感到很羞愧. He was _____________his foolish behaviour.
We should be proud of loving our motherland and ____________________our motherland.
(3)又打搅你,我感到很不好意思. I am quite ___________trouble you again。
I ______________that I haven’t written to you for so long.
be /feel ashamed用法:
(1)刘翔的脚伤已经康复. Liu Xiang has_______________his foot injury.
(2)弥补失去的时间很难. It’s hard________________________________.
6. contain
(1). Sanlu milk food ____________melamine(三聚氰胺) .
(2). This bottle can_________two litres of water.
The floats in the parade are going past Tian’anmen Square, ________Jiangsu’s float.
The floats in the parade are going past Tian’anmen Square,Jiangsu’s float __________.

The house ______________ a lot of money..
The museum is worth__________________.
The museum is worth __________________.
The military review on National Day is worth _____________________ again.
The military review on National Day is worthy ______________________again.
The military review on Nation Day is worthy ________________________again.
worth 和worthy用法:

embarrassed/ embarrassing/ embarrassment/embarrass
(1).My face turned red with_____________.
(2).What he said just now _____________ me.
(3).He tried to avoid this ____________question.
(4).He felt ___________ about his hairstyle.
He _______________________the mistakes that he had made.
(2)我在公众场合说英语感到尴尬。I _____________________________English in public.
9.go on diets
他后悔节食. He regretted__________________.
节食对你的健康有害。________________is harmful to your health.
It’s the same in China?many people, some of whom are not overweight at all, are always going on diets or taking weight-loss pills, which are often dangerous. (理解句子)
C. Exercises for you
Exercise One 用下列词的适当形式填空.
stay match damage work work out embarrass
1. We should keep __________ regularly and eat healthy food to keep fit.
2. She felt ______________ when asked her age.
3. The alarm clock didn’t _____ so I was late for school this morning.
4. We _____ awake all night in order to see the sunrise the next morning.
5. The hat and shoes are a perfect______.
6. The flood did a lot of ________ to the crops.
Exercise Two 完成句子
I __________________the students from Nanjing First High School.
2.我很遗憾的通知你我们的图书馆将在下周三关闭.(regret) (Unit 1, Page16)
I __________________you that our library will be closed next Wednesday.
3. 6月30号车祸的肇事者张明宝后悔酒后开车. (regret)
Zhang Mingbao, who was the troublemaker of the car accident on June 30th,________________after drinking.
4.他对他的失败感到很羞愧。He is ____________ of his______________.
Exercise Three 单项选择
(1) (2009江苏扬州高三质检)The magazine published this month is ________ reading , so he advised me _________ it.
A.worth; to buy
B.worth; buying
C.worthy; to buy
D.worthy; buying
(2) 2009江苏百校高三校本分析考试)Though the money is limited, the friendship between the cities is ________.
A. priceless
B. valueless
C. high
D. honour
(3) (2009江苏无锡高三第一次质量分析)The police ____________ the stolen jewellery and returned it to the owner.
(4) (2009大庆)It was so ________having to sing in public.
(5) This problem is difficult for me to ________.
A.solve it B. work out it C. work it out D. work out
D. Homework

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