Unit 12 Culture Shock (8)教案

逍遥右脑  2014-01-19 09:40

Unit 12 Culture Shock (8)教案
Lesson 4 The New Australians
Tip:He who has never been to the Great Wall is not a true man.
Learning aims:掌握本课新词汇和短语,熟读课文。(A级)
Learning important point:语言知识点及重点词汇的运用(B级)
Learning Steps:
Step 1 听写单词(A级)
Step 2 把下面划线部分和其解释连线(B级)
1.Australia is my birthplace a. like
2.in the vast area of desert b. opposite to
3.Australians are fond of sports c. not fair
4.contrary to popular belief d. have a good standard of living
5.you’ll find a broad choice e. place where I was born
6.the rest of us are quite well-off f. wide
7.I think that’s unfair g. huge
Step3 词组和短语(A级)
1.一片土地 2.二十世纪八十年代
3.一种不同文化的混合体 4.当心
5.喜欢 6.与…相反
7.世界级的作家 8.古典音乐会
9.不能忍受 10.大堡礁
11.在黄昏 12.属于
13.严肃对待某物 14.很多,许多
15在沿海地区 16.首先
Step4 .阅读课文,判断正误(B级)
1.Australia has large areas of desert.( )
2.Surfing is the most popular sport. ( )
3.Australian roads can be quite dangerous. ( )
4.There are some dangerous animals in Australia. ( )
5.Australia has never produced any important writers. ( )
6.Many recent immigrants have come from Greece. ( )
7.Native Australians form a large percentage of the population. ( )
8.The standard of living in Australia is high. ( )
Step 5 疑难解析(B级)
1.belong vi 意思
【归纳拓展】belong to 意思 ,无 语态和 时态。
belongings n. 所有物,财产
(2).改错:The book is belonged to me.
The house belonged to him was sold at 250000 yuan.
2.attach vt.意思
【归纳拓展】attach sth to sth 把某物系在某物上,加入,
be attached to sb/sth 依恋/留恋某人某物,隶属于…,附属于,
attach importance/significance to 重视…
【翻译短语】(1)attach a lamp to the bike
(2) I am deeply attached to my old computer.
【练一练】(1)The institute the University of Beijing.
A.attaches B.attach C.is attaching D.is attached to
(2) The boy his parents are attached went abroad.
A.whose B.to whom C.who D.with whom
Unit 12 Culture Shock (8)
Lesson 4 检测卡
日期: 班级: 学科:
姓名: 层次: 评价:
I. 单词拼写(B级)
1.He is driving a new car b to his parents.
2.The kindergarten is a to the college.
3.Though they all live in Australia, they have different b .
4.China e a lot of tea and cotton to other countries.
5.Don’t stay o .It’s too cold outside.
6.The newly-built street is very b .
7.The ice was too thin to b the heavy jeep.
8.I’m interested in the classical l of France.
9.That judgement was u .
II. 单句改错(B级)
1.We have got used to get up early.
2.He was absorbed to the book.
3.I owe an apology for you.
4.I suggest to go abroad for a holiday.
5.He is easy to get along.
6.Now we are attached to the land we live.
7.My friend is come from France.
8.When in Australia, you must look out snakes and spiders.
9.How do the cultures effect Australia?
10.That’s why surf the Internet is my favourite.
Unit 12 Culture Shock (9)
Lesson 4 The New Australians
编写人:丁一凡 审核:高一英语组
Tip:A good book is a light to the soul. 好书一本,照亮心灵。
Learning aims:掌握本课新词汇和短语,熟读课文。(A级)
Learning important point:语言知识点及重点词汇的运用(B级)
Learning Steps:
Step 1 听写单词(A级)
Step 2 疑难解析(B级)
1.This is a great place for camping but you have to look out for snakes and spiders?Australia has some of the most dangerous in the world.
【导学】look out for …意思
【例句】Look out for your step! The ground is wet!
【归纳拓展】look out=watch out=take care 注意,小心。(不及物)
look out for=watch out for 后加宾语
2.I can’t bear the way the native Australians have been treated.
the native Australians have been treated 是个定语从句,修饰先行
词 ,该定语从句的关系词可以用 ,也可用
或者 。
(2)The way he thought of the problem was not practical.
A.settling B.to settle C.settle D.being settled
3.forgive vt. 意思 ,过去式和过去分词为 。
【归纳拓展】forgive sb for (doing) sth原谅某人干某事
forgive sb sth 原谅某人某事
forgive and forget 既往不咎,过去的事就算了
【练一练】I will never you for what you have done to your parents.
A.forgive B.apologize C.pardon with D.forgive to
4.bear vt. 承受,承担,忍受,经得起
【英汉互译】Who will bear the responsibility?
【拓展】bear表示“忍受,经得起”之意,可以接不定式或动名词作宾语。bear in mind相当于keep in mind意思为“牢记在心”。
【比较】can’t bear/can’t stand/can’t help
can’t bear和can’t stand都有“忍受不了”之意,但在后接动词时,句式有所差别:can’t bear后接不定式或动名词含义相同,而can’t stand当“忍受不了”讲时,通常只接动名词作宾语。can’t help后接不定式,意思是“不能帮忙做某事”,接动名词作宾语,意思是“忍不住做某事,情不自禁做某事”。
【小试】---Why did Bob cry?
---He couldn’t fun of like that before the whole class.
A.bear to make B.bear being made
C.stand to be made D.help being made
Unit 12 Culture Shock (9)
Lesson 4 检测卡
日期: 班级: 学科:
姓名: 层次: 评价:
1.China the developing countries in the world.
A. is belonged B.is belonged to C.is belonging to D.belongs to
2.Everybody seemed to be himself in the park.
A.into B.fond C.like D.enjoying
3.It seems to him to make him pay for everything.
A. unfair B.contrary C.unclear D.crazy
4.I couldn’t to listen any longer, so I left the room.
A. mind B.imagine C.bear D.resist
5.The gardener was called to tell the way the poor dog had died.
A.that B. which C.in that D.of which

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