
逍遥右脑  2013-12-11 12:52

14. do the right thing 做得对
15. come across
1. be understood;
He spoke for a long time but his meaning did not come across.
2. make an impression;
She came across well/badly in interviews.
He came across as a sympathetic person.
3. meet or find sb/sth by chance = run into
I came across some old photos in a drawer.
16. fight against 与…作斗争/打架/打仗 fight n.
fight with; fight for
17. believe 和believe in
believe in 信仰 (真理;宗教;原则)
信任= trust in;trust;have trust in
信赖=rely on
I believe him, but I don’t believe in/trust (in) him.
Do you believe in God?
believe sb/what sb said 相信某人(所说的话)
believe ...to be... 认为...是...
believe...to have done 认为/相信...做过某事
believe that... 相信;认为
trust that...
I believe/trust that you will join us. (trust比believe语气强)
I believe him to be an honest man.
=I believe that he is an honest man.
I believe him to have passed the exam.
=I believe that he has passed the exam.
I can’t trust that boy out of my sight.
18. grow up to be... 长大后成为...
19. share the same goal 有着共同目标
20.be strong in heart and mind 意志坚强,头脑聪明
21. whisper sth to sb 小声/悄悄给某人说
whisper sth in one's ear 咬耳朵
in a whisper 小声地
22. as if 好像
23. not all = all not 并不都
not every = every...not 并非每个...都
not both=both not 并非两个都...
...not all of them were safe.=...all of them were not safe.
Not both of the students are good at English.
=Both of the students are not good at English.
完全否定:None of the rooms are safe.
Neither of the students is good at English.
24. if only 要是…就好了
If only my mother were here with me.
25. be about to do sth when… 正要…这时…
26. turn around 转身
27. walk/run up to; go/come up to 上前去
28. go past 从...的旁边过去
29. play a trick on sb. 给某人恶作剧
30. apologize to sb for sth 向某人道歉
make an apology to sb.
31.(1) 摆脱…的习惯
get out of the habit (of doing sth) ;
get rid of the habit of
break off the habit of
(2) 养成…的习惯
get/fall into the habit (of doing sth)
form the/a habit (of doing sth)
(3) 有…的习惯
have the/a habit of
be in the /a habit of
32. TV series 电视连续剧
33. primary school 小学 elementary school
34. Attention, please, I have an announcement to make.
May I have your attention, please? 请大家注意啦!
35. run after 追赶;追求;追捕
36. be similar to 与…相似 the same as 和...一样
37. in other words 换句话说 in one’s own words
38. just like us doing what we do 就像我们做我们的事
=just as we do what we do
39. come (back) to life 苏醒;复苏;恢复生机
bring sb (back) to life 使...苏醒;使...恢复生机
40. in a way 在某种程度上
41. lose oneself in = be lost in 沉浸于; 沉醉于
Lost in thought, he almost knocked into a tree.
42. be eager/anxious to do sth 迫切地/渴望要做某事
be eager for/about/after 渴望得到
be anxious about 为...担忧;焦虑
long for 渴望得到 be dying for
Book two
1.ought to应当,应该
2.keep up with跟上,赶上
3.plenty of许多,大量的(作定语)
4.in plenty许多,丰富(作状语)
5.make a choice做出选择
6.now and then偶尔,时而
7.prepare a dish做一道菜
8.a balance diet均衡饮食
9.be/go on diet在节食
no longer不再
10.be based on/upon以…为基础
take medicine吃药
11.be harmful to对…有害
12.offer advise about/on提…的建议
13.lose weight减肥
14.cut …into pieces把…切碎
15.gain weight=put on weight增肥
16.make up for补偿
17.get along with和…相处
18.put up with忍受
19.go for sb对某人也一样
20.in large amount大批地
21.be short of=be lacking of 缺乏,缺少
22.do up one’s hair做发型
23.refer to查阅,提到
24.settle down定下心来,安家落户
25.settle up付清,结账
26.settle for勉强同意,接受
27.settle in(使)习惯(环境等)
28.settle on定居(短暂停留)
of high/good quality高质量的
29.sign an agreement with…与…达成协
30.in relation to与…有关的 but for要不是
31.thanks to由于,幸亏
32.apart from除…之外
33.hand down传下来
34.and so on等等
35.in ancient time在古代
36.go against违背
37.guide to(介词)指导
38.of (no) effect(无)效
39.take effect生效,奏效
40.bring/carry…into/to effect实施
41.cne/go into effect开始实施
42.depend on/upon依靠
43.That/It (all) depends.这很难说。
i.stand for代表
44.in condition身体好
45.out of condition身体不好
46.on condition that….如果,条件是
47.in/under favorable conditions在有利形势下
48.bring in引进,赚钱
a)year after year年复一年
49.Point out指出
50.make use of利用
51.tongue twister绕口令
a)be on good terms (with sb.)关系好
52.drive off开走,击退
53.look on…as把…看作…
54.Ahead of更前,更早
55.give sb a hand给某人帮助
56.Get through通过,到达
57.tear down拆毁
58.Hold up举起
59.Intend to do sth打算做某事
60.Intend to have done本想做(而没能做)
61.Intend…for…=be intended for…供……用
62.Dress up打扮,装饰
63.in one’s opinion依某人之见
64.Play a trick on sb开某人玩笑
65.take in收容,理解,包含,欺骗
66.Be determined to do sth下决心做……
67.Gift money压岁钱
68.fire works鞭炮
69.Save money存钱
70.ask for a day off请一天假
71.Happen to meet碰巧遇见
72.be jealous of sb嫉妒某人
73.Believe in信仰
74.dress up as装扮成,打扮成
75.Do crime犯罪
76.light up照亮
77.Do honor to sb=do sb honor礼遇某人,对某人表示敬意
78.On purpose=by accident故意地
79.care for喜欢,照顾
80.Make fool of愚弄
81.in other words换句话说
82.hope for对…希望
83.seek after追求
84.A similar to B A和B相似
85.take on呈现
86.Or else或者
87.personal affair隐私
88.Date back to =date from始于,追溯到
89.Appreciate good food欣赏美味
91.Be suit to/for适合于…
92.In all direction朝四面八方
93.in …direction=in direction of朝…的方向
94.under the direction of在…的指导下
95.Follow one’s directions遵照某人的指示
96.Be angry with sb for sth…因…生某人的气
97.be likely to很有可能
98.make fun of取笑
99.No laughing matter不是闹着玩的
100.exist…in 存在于…
101.Get into contact with sb与某人取得联系
102.Make contact with sb与某人联络
103.(be) in contact with 与…有交往
104.lose/break contact with与……失去联系
105.go ahead 前进
106.be crazy about对…着迷
107.go into details细说
108.in detail详细地
110.occur to sb使某人突然想到
111.fell down感到闷闷不乐
112.in a hurry匆忙地
113.accept …as认为…是…
i.bring on引发
114.make oneself done使…被…
115.make conversation交谈
116.have/hold a conversation with与……交谈
117.be in conversation with与…谈话中
119.ivide between/among…把…分给…
120.achieve success获得成功
121.an injured look一副受冤的表情
122.call on 拜访(某人)
a)call at拜访(某地)
123.bring back拿回来,使恢复
124.day and night日日夜夜地
125.pay off还清
126.at most 至多
127.a number of许多
128.a great deal of许多
i.pick out挑出,辨别出
129.test on在…做实验
130.be continued 未完待续
131.pay back偿还,报复
132.sth of good/poor quality质量好的…
133.would rather宁愿
134.after all毕竟
135.be well worth 很值得
136.without luck运气不好
137.in the hope of doing…抱着…的希望
138.bring about引起,导致
139.bring up哺育
140.belong to sb/sth属于…
141.without limit无限地
142.run/take a risk冒险
143.limit…to …把…限制在…
a)at risk处于危险中
144.at any risk不顾一切
145.at the risk of冒着…的危险
146.to one’s sorrow使…悲伤的是
147.than usual 比平常…
148.badly off贫穷的
149.bear/take one’s share of…负担…的部分
150.keep…at harm’s length保持…的距离
151.a total failure一个彻底的失败者
152.save the situation收拾局面
153.trade in以交方式购入
154.trade with从事贸易
155.be popular with受…的欢迎
156.culture of mind and body身心修养
157.(be)of (no) use有(无)用
158.put…to use利用
159.to one’s knowledge 据某人所知
160.express oneself表达自己的意思
162.means of transport交通方式
163.together with=as well as也
164.against to the wall靠着墙
165.without a sound悄无声息地
166.pull out把…拉上来
167.not later than不迟于
168.get close to接近…
169.just as 恰如
170.without turning a hair毫不畏惧
171.in disorder混乱
172.be familiar with 熟悉
173.rushed off one’s feet忙于工作
174.at work忙于工作
175.n the go奔波
176.go through with 完成
177.at one go一口气
178.miss one’s turn 错过
179.be devoted to sb喜欢某人
180.to…degree 达到…程度
181.succeed in doing sth成功的做了某事
182.do about处理 应付
183.clear away清除打扫
184.go out熄灭
185.push open推开
186.be up to sb 由某人决定
187.tire out筋疲力尽
188.not a bit = not at all一点也不
189.there is no doubt毫无疑问
190.be willing to do = like to do愿意
191.a number of 若干 ,一些
192.the rule of conduct行为准则
193.charge a pipe给烟斗塞烟
194.be charged with充满……
195.tear at sth撕扯……
197.explain sth to sb = explain to sb sth向某人解释某事
198.fasten one’s eyes to sb眼睛盯着某人
199.in tears哭泣,掉泪
200.end in a tie以平局结束
201.in your own words用你自己的话
202.cne into use开始使用
203.can’t help doing忍不住
204.stop…from doing阻止
205.leave sth done 让……做……
206.by choice 出于选择
207.for choice要选就选
208.ask after sb问候某人
209.give away赠出,让出
210.set the scene为某事做准备
211.full dress盛装
212.a pieces of jewellery一件珠宝
213.look about/around 警戒
214.look on旁观
215.look through浏览
216.look up to尊敬
217.act for代理
218.act on/upon对……起作用
219.know of听说过
220.by chance偶然地
221.by mistake由于疏忽
222.be in use在使用中
223.make a great discovery完成一项重大任务
224.bring…to use= put …to use加以利用
225.call sb names谩骂某人
226.in the name of以……的名字
227.in change主管
228.free of change免费
229.at one’s own change自费
230.out of control失去控制
231.be particular about对…挑剔
a)knock over撞翻
232.lay down one’s life献出生命
233.a man of name知名人士
234.turn in归还,交上
235.carry on research进行研究
236.take up research开始研究
237.act against违反
238.speak against发表抨击
239.little by little逐渐地
240.out of date这时的
241.up to date最新式的
242.to date 到目前为止
put a date to sth注明日期
243.set/fix the date确定日期
244.keep a date赴约
245.go off 出发,爆发(机器等停止)
246.go into详细调查
247.go by 走过,……流逝
248.go beyond超越
249.go about 四处走走,开始
250.around the corner即将来临,在拐角处
251.die down平息
252.cne to terms with甘心忍受
253.what else而且
254.be about to即将开始
255.at the top of one’s voice大声地
256.self rescue自救
257.be mean with对…吝啬
258.take shelter躲避
259.work with sb对……起作用
260.smell of闻出……的味道
261.break up弄碎
262.hold up阻滞
263.a threatening letter恐吓信
264.somehow or other设法,想办法
265.admire sb as…钦佩某人是…
266.admire sb for sth 钦佩某人的…
267.admire oneself in the mirror照镜子
268.rise/come to fame 成名
269.opposite to 在…对面
270.to one’s regret 使某人遗憾的是
271.be surrounded with/by被…围绕
272.get/gain/take possession of占有,占领
273.make up组成,构成,凑足
274.turn to转向,求助于
275.go sailing 驾船航行
276.go camping宿营
277.cne into one’s possession被某人占有
278.in one’s possession=in the possession of sb被某人据有
279.(be) in possession of持有,拥有
280.零 散 记 忆
282.e.g.: Only in this way will we be ready for the…
283.the only/just/very/first + n.+ that(who)+定从
285.be of + 抽象名词,表“具有……”
286.begin to do 和begin doing
a)一般情况下意思相同,但 1)begin为现在进行时时;
287.2)当begin后为think,realise等类词时,只用to do。
288.Make it (F.O) +adj+to do sth.
289.To,on,in 在表方位时:
a)on表接壤 2)in在范围之内 3)to不接壤
290.7、hope: 1)+that-clause 2)+to do 3)+for sth
291.a/the way (that) +定语从句
292.to do 和v-ing 做主语和宾语:
293.to do一次性和具体性;v-ing表经常性延续性
294.so…that… “如此…以致于…”引导结果状从句。
a)so+adj./adv.+that… such+a(n)+adj.+n.+that…
299.12、a great many+n.(pl.),当此名词前有限定词如the ,these,those等,则用a great many of
300.13、系表结构 stay+adj. 一直保持某种状态
301.14、only to do sth 这一结构常作结果状语,用以指随即发生的意料之外的事,有“反而,却”之意。
302.15、 advise(n. advice) “建议,忠告”
303.1)advise+n./pron. 2)advise sb. (not) to do sth
304.3)advise doing sth 4)advise sb.+clause(虚拟语气)
305.16、the reason 与for连用表语从句只用that引导
306.17、used to:
1.used not to +动词原形=usedn’t to+动词原形
307.did not use to+动词原形=didn’t use to+动词原形
2.did+主+use to+动词原形
i.It seems to that…
308.18、seem It seems as if/though…
i.There seems (to be)…
311.appear,seem后可接to do ,而look后只加to be
312.look后只可接as if引导的从句,不能接that 从句
313. n./pron 接受……
2.that-clause 承认
1. n.值多少钱 of sth值得,配得上
315.be worth+ be worthy + of being值得做
a)doing 值得的 to be done值得做
316.22、 a.have sb doing 使某人做某事,表动作一直进行
i.b.have sb do 使某人做某事,表动作完成或可能发生
ii.c.have sth to do 有某事要做,have意为“有,拥有”
iii.d. have sth done 使某事被做,done表被动动作
i.a great/good many
b)a large/great/good number of +可数名词
i.a good few/quite few
ii.many a
iii.a great/good deal of
iv.a large/great amount of +不可数名词
v.quite a little
vi.a lot of/lots of
vii.a large/great quantity of +可数名词或
viii.large quantities of 不可数名词
ix.plenty of
x.24、keep doing sth.一直干,后跟状态性动词
1.keep on doing sth.反复干……,强调动作的重复
xi.25、It is…for sb to do sth
1.It is…that-clause
xiii.主(人)+happens+to do
xiv.It(形主) +(so)happen +that-clause
xvi.a. allow+ 名/形 b. allow+含有不定式的复合宾语
xvii.c. allow+动名词 d. allow+sb.+介词短语/副词
1.变化类:become,go,get,grow,fall,turn ect.
2.感官类:fell,smell,taste,look,sound ect.
3.显现类:appear,seem,look ect.
4.状态类:keep,stay,come,stand ect.
xix.29、though相当于however ,用于句末。
xxi.look forward to盼望… turn to求助于,转向
xxii.pay attention to注意 stick to坚持
xxiii.get down to开始认干 object to反对
xxiv.belong to属于 refer to涉及,谈到
xxv.point to指向 see to处理,料理
xxvi.cne to共计,苏醒 reply to答复
xxvii.agree to同意 add to增加
c)devote…to…贡献…给… compare…to…把…比作…
1.This exercise on English idioms is not easy.这个英语短语练习不容易。
ii.在“there be”结构中, “be”的单复数取决与后面主语的数.如:
1.There has been little change in this city.这个城市没有多少变化。
iii.3、“one of”结构,位于用单数,“two of”结构位于用复数
iv.One of the things I want to do is traveling.我想做的一件事是去旅行。
v.Two of the boys have lost their way home.有两个男孩回家迷路了。
1.Never before has she been to Paris!她以前从未去过巴黎。
ii.To tell lies is wrong.说谎是不正确的。(不定式做主语)
iii.Keeping the house is a tiring job.管理家务是一件很劳累的事。(动名词做主语)
iv.How this happened is not clear to anyone.(从句做主语)
1.Which is your seat?你的座位是哪一个?
a)Which are your seats?你们的座位是哪些?
1.My best friend and adviser has changed his mind again.我的密友兼顾问又改变他的想法了。
2.My friend and the student Sue are in the classroom.我的朋友和那位叫苏的同学在教室里。
i.Lilei,and not I, has won the game.是 Lilei赢了比赛,而不是我。
c)用and 连接的单数主语,前面有each,every,many a,no等词修饰时,谓语用单数。
1.由not only…but also,neither…nor…,either…or…,or 连接的并列主语,在肯定句中谓语变化取决于后面的饿主语,在疑问句中取决于前面的主语。如;
2.Either he or I am mistaken.他和我都没错。
3.Either he or you are to go there.不是他就是你要到那儿去。
325.If I (we,you,he,she,it,they)+行为动词的过去式(be的过去式一般用were)326.I (we) should
327.You (he,she , +动词原形或:
328.they,it ) would
a)If I had more time, I should study German.(fact:I have no more time, so I shall not study German. )
b)If she were not so busy, she would attend the meeting this afternoon.(fact:she is very busy, so she will not attend the meeting this afternoon.)
c)If they didn’t take physical exercises every day, they wouldn’t be so healthy.(fact: they take physical exercises every day, so they are very healthy.)
333.If I (we,you,he,she,it,they)+had+过去分词334.I (we) should
335.You (he,she , +have+过去分词或:
336.they,it ) would
a)I would have checked my paper again if I had had more time at yesterday’s examination.(fact:I had no more time at yesterday’s exam, so I didn’t check my paper again)
b)You would have already recovered from his illness if he had seen the doctor in good time.(fact: He didn’t see the doctor in good time ,so he hasn’t recovered from his illness )
342.If I (we,you,he,she,it,they)+行为动词的过去式(be的过去式一般用were)通常要与一个表将来的时间的状语连用
343.If (we,you,he,she,it,they)+should
345.c. If I (we,you,he,she,it,they)+were to+动词原形346.I (we) should
347.You would +动词原形或:
348.he(she,it ) would
349.they would
350.I (we,you,he,she,it,they)+could(might)+动词原形
a)If it rains tomorrow, our picnic will be put off.(The weather has been changeable these days.)
b)If it rained tomorrow, our picnic would be put off.( The weather has beenvery good these days.)
c)If it should rain tomorrow, our picnic would be put off.(That would be out of our expectation.)
d)If it were to rain tomorrow, our picnic would be put off. (条件从句谓语动词用were to +动词原形,表示 下雨的可能性极小。Were to rain和should rain 都表示“出乎意料之外”,但were to加强表示“当初没想到以后的事”)
i.有时条件从句的动作和主句动作发生的 时间不一致。这时动词的形式,应根据它所要表达的具体时间来决定用什么形式。
b)If she hadn’t trained so hard, she wouldn’t be run so fast.(从句叙述过去,主句叙述现在。)
i.(fact: she has trained very hard, so she would able to run fast.)
ii.You would speak English well enough if you had practised reading and speaking it every day.(主句叙述现在,从句叙述过去)
iii.(fact: You didn’t practice (hasn’t practiced ) reading and speaking it every day, so you can’t speak English well enough.)
c)主要用于由as if (as though) 引导的比较状语从句,从句中谓语动词一般用“动词的过去式(be 变were )或had +过去分词。”
ii.She looked as if she were ill.(实际上她没有病,在这里用虚拟语气补语比喻她精神不佳)
iii.Xiao Liu speaks English so well as if he had studied in England.(这里用虚拟语气表现他的 英语说得好)
vi.It is necessary that you should clean the workshop after work.下班后你必须清扫车间。
vii.It is important that we should ask advice of other people about our work.在工作中,征求别人的意见是很重要的。

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上一篇:高一英语Our Body and Healthy Habits教案
下一篇:Unit 2Growing Pains教案

