高一英语Unit12 Culture Shock教案

逍遥右脑  2013-10-14 21:56

高一英语Unit12 Culture Shock教案
Unit12 Culture Shock(4)
Lesson 2 Mind Your Manners
编写人: 田娟娟 审核:高一英语组
Tips: Believe in yourself. 相信你自己!
Learning aims:通过听第一课的录音复习课文以及提高听力能力(A级)
Learning important &difficult points:掌握本课重点单词的用法并能运用(B,C级)
Learning steps:
1.礼貌 n.________ 2.谦虚的,适度的 adj.____________
3.温暖舒适的 adj.______ 4.请求 n.____________
5.指示,表明 vt._______6.非正式的 adj._____________
7.好奇地 adv.__________8.马戏团 n.____________
1.in between_________ 2.go bowling____________
3.hang on____________4.reply to one’s letter___________
5.把…与…相比___________ 6.拒绝邀请___________
7.提出要求____________ 8.跟上赶上____________
9.让某人搭便车__________ 10.去度假___________
1.modest adj.
Mary is modest about her achievements.玛丽对自己的成就很谦虚。
(练一练)She always wears her white clothes.She is _____ in dress.
A.modest B. pride C. good D. modern
【导学】indicate 用作动词,意为
A red sky at night indicates fine weather the following day.
[翻译] __________________________________
【拓展】indication n.
(练一练) The black cloud ______ that it will rain soon.
A. indicated B. was indicating C. indicate D. indicates
【解析】curiously adv.好奇地
She watched curiously as I opened the box.
【拓展】curious adj. 好奇的,好打听的(与about 连用)[翻译] 我很好奇发生了什么事。___________________
curiosity n. 好奇心,求知欲
out of curiosity 出于好奇
___________________(我很想知道) what was in the box.
4. give sb a lift
【解析】give sb a lift 让某人搭车
[翻译] 你能让我搭你的车去车站吗?___________________
【拓展】(1)pick sb up 让某人搭车,开车接某人,而give sb a lift 主要是指顺路捎带,并非专门接送某人。
(2)ask (sb) for a lift 要求搭车,请求搭便车
A stranger asked for a lift on a lonely road.
(练一练) 用适当的短语填空
(1)If someone________ on a lonely road,will you________?
(2)My manager asked me to _______ at 8:00 at the gate and _____
at the airport,for he would fly to London on business.
5. request
【导学】(1)n.要求,请求 make a request 提出要求
+宾语+to do
+that 从句(should +动词原形,
should 可以省略)
What do you request of me?_______________
I request her to come back before nine o’clock.
I request that she _____ ______ ____before nine o’clock.
Unit12 Culture Shock(4)
Lesson 2 当堂检测卡
班级: 姓名: 层次: 评价
1.I have been so busy to study and try to absorb all the new things around me. __________
2.He said he had been looking forward to see you._________
3.I suggested going to the cinema while he said he would rather to stay at home._____________
4.She requested that no one would be told of her decision until the next meeting._____________
5.I didn’t tell them anything except for that I really needed the money.__
6.The young man feel in love with the beautiful girl the first time when he saw her.________
7.He gave an amazed performance in the competition._________
8.Things are more limited if you live in a small town,but in Sydney or Melbourne or any other city you will find much too choice._______
1.I ______ in the quiet country instead of in the busy city.
A. feel like living B. would rather to live
C. prefer to living D. would like live
2.---What do you think _____ her look so unhappy?
---_______ her wallet.
A.making;Lose B. to make;Lost

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