Unit 4 Unforgettable experiences学案

逍遥右脑  2013-07-30 16:59

Unit 4 Unforgettable experiences


Teaching aims and demands ?目的和要求?


unforgettable king host scare disaster finally rescue advance upon

seize swallow drag struggle fight flow fright shake strike destroy

destroy tower national deadline fear opportunity article Buddha agent

temple touch naughty peanut note


take place on fire pull sb up get on one’s feet get through on holiday

travel agency


定语从句?the Attributive Clause ??1?

1. 能够用英语描述人物的特征、行为等-由 who/ whom / that / whose 引导:

She looked at Jeff , who was waving his arms .

The girl whose leg was broken in the earthquake was taken to hospital .

2. 能够用英语描述事物、事件的性质、内容等- 由 which / that 引导:

And there she saw a wall of water which /that was quickly advancing towards her .


1. 描述人物的感情 ?Describing emotions ?

Help! Don’t worry . Well done !

I’m afraid to … Don’t be afraid . You can do it

I’m afraid . I’ll be OK/ all right . Come on!

It scares me ! It’s all right ! That’s better. / Keep trying .

2. 按次序描述事件发生的过程?Describing sequences ?

First , we went to Leshan .

Next, we climbed Mount Emei .

Then we played with some monkeys .

Finally , towards evening we were on the way back to Chengdu .

第一课时?The First Period ?

Teaching aims and demands :

The students are required to master some of the key words and useful expressions .

Important points of teaching :

Words and useful expressions in this unit .

Teaching procedures :

Word study .

1. be /get caught in 被困在

____________ 陷入

______________ 被困在

______________ 陷入困境


考查方向 表“陷入(摆脱)困境”的常用表达。

【即学即练】 预测2006

-Where have you been ?

-I got in traffic , otherwise sooner .

A. caught ; I would be there B. caught ; I have been there

C. catch ; I had been there D. caught ; I would have been there

【答案点拨】D。本句中的otherwise 把前后两部分分开了, 前半部分是真实语气,后半部分为虚拟语气。

2. scare vt . 使惊吓

scaring adj. 令人害怕的, 吓人的

scared adj . 受惊吓的, 感到害怕的

be scared of = _________害怕

__________________= be afraid to do sth. 不敢做

scare away 吓跑

___________________吓得做/ 不做

___________________ 吓得半死

归纳 scare 与 frighten , terrify 意义用法相同, 都有-ing 和 -ed 形容词形式, 分别表示主动和被动意义。类似用法的词还有: interest , excite surprise , astonish , shock , puzzle , inspire , please , satisfy 等等。

考查方向 短语搭配以及-ing 和-ed 形容词形式辨析。

【即学即练】 预测2006

Readers were pleased _ that a scientist could write about his research in a way _________ ordinary people could understand .

A. to find ; that B. finding ; as C. to find ; which D. finding ; that

【答案点拨】A。be pleased to do sth . , 排除 B,D 两项;way 作先行词, 在定语从句中作状语时, 引导词用that , in which 或省略。

3. advance vt. 前进; 提前

____________ 发展中国家/ 发达国家 _______________提前, 预先

_____________________ 在某方面取得进步

____________________高级英语/ 高等数学

with the advance of winter _________________


be advanced in years ____________________

【即学即练】 预测 2006

___________ better understanding of physics is necessary for this _________ course .

A. The ; advanced B.A; advanced C. / ; advancing D. A; advancing

【答案点拨】B。这里的understanding 表示泛指意义, 故用不定冠词; advanced 作形容词, 表示“高级的”。

4. swallow up 吞没,耗尽


_____________冲倒; 打倒

swallow one’s words _________________

考查方向 短语的意义及用法

【即学即练】 预测2006

The next moment the first wave swept the house down , __________ the garden .

A. swallowing B. seizing C. dragging D. touching

答案点拨A。A 意为“吞没”;B 意为“抓住”;C 意为“拖”;D 意为“触到”。

5. pull sb./ oneself up 把某人拉起来; (车辆等)(使)停下


______________穿上/ 脱掉

pull apart _________________

______________度过危机, (使)恢复健康


When I wanted to shout , the car _________ at the traffic lights .

A. pulled on B. pulled through C. pulled up D. pulled

【答案点拨】C。句意为当我想喊的时候, 汽车在红灯处停了下来。由句子的意义可知, 答案为 C。pull up 意为“停下”。

6. struggle n./ v. 奋斗, 挣扎

________________与… 斗争

struggle / fight for 为争取… 而斗争

struggle / fight with _______________


I … 在与… 的战斗中

fight over/ about 为…而争吵

fight back 还击; 忍住


fight the enemy 打击敌人

________________ 打出一条路出去/ 回去; 费力

【即学即练】 预测2006

Ever since the Civil War , the South _________ to find ways to deal with the troubled past .

A. struggled B. have struggled C. was struggling D. has struggled

【答案点拨】D。since 多与完成时态连用, the South 作主语, 用作单数, 故答案为 D。

7. strike the nail into the wall 把钉子钉到墙上


strike a match _______________

_______________________________ 我被他的建议打动了。


Twelve has struck . __________________________

be on strike 在罢工 __________________举行/进行罢工

考查方向 strike 一词多义及其用法。

【即学即练】 预测2006

The visiting president couldn’t help _________ by the beautiful scenery of Guilin in Guangxi .

A. striking B. to be struck C. being struck D. to strike

【答案点拨】C。由句子的意义可知, couldn’t help 为“禁不住”的意义, 故其后应跟 doing 结构。由题意得知应为被动, 故答案为 C。

8. touch n. / v. 接触, 联系

_________________与… 有联系

_________________与… 失去联系

_________________与… 保持联系

get in touch with _____________________

bring sb. intio/ in touch with 使…接触到…

lose touch with ___________________

________________ 触觉

touch sth./ sb. 触摸, 碰


have something to do with _________________

have nothing to do with ____________________

【注意】feel 当“摸,摸索”讲, 可用作系动词, 后接形容词作表语, 而 touch 不能用作系动词。

考查方向 touch 与 feel 的用法区别; 该短语是否能与一段时间状语连用。

【即学即练】 预测2006

With the rapid development of China’s economy , close ________ should be kept in with world-famous scientists and advanced technology .

A. connection B. relation C. touch D. friendship

【答案点拨】C。本题考查的是固定短语 keep in touch with 。

9. look into one’s face 观察脸色, 调查


look up ______________

_______________当心, 小心

________________期望, 盼望

look on/ upon … as _______________



考查方向 look 短语的固定搭配。

【即学即练】 预测2006

__________ at in this way , the present situation doesn’t seem so disappointing .

A. Looking B. Looked C. Having looked D. To look

【答案点拨】B。根据“分词短语作状语, 其逻辑主语须与主句的主语保持一致”的原则, 因主语 the present situation 与 look at 之间为被动关系, 故答案为B

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