高一英语UNIT 6 Design 导学案

逍遥右脑  2013-03-23 14:36

高一英语UNIT 6 Design 导学案
Lesson 1 A atter of Taste
A tip :No pains,no gains. 不劳无获。
Learning aims: 1 Learning the neords and expressions
2 Read the text several times and learn something about the three artists:Xu Beihong,Qi Baishi and Chen Yifei.
Learning important points: 1 Get the general idea of the text.
2 Grasp some reading methods.
Learning steps:
Step 1 Words:(A级)
1 抽象的,深奥的 2 想象,想象力
3 展览 4 导弹
5 汗 6 青春 年轻人
7 动物/人 8 强调
9 细节/详情 10 浅的
Step 2 Phrases(B级)
1 民间艺术 2 把……结合起
3 以高速度 4 用黑墨水
5 陷入深思 6 把……加入……
7 注视 凝视 8 喜欢……胜过……
9 在某人的一生中 10 在沉思中
Step 3 Read the passage quickly and answer the following questions .(B级)
1.Who is your famous artist ?

2.Who is famous for drawing pretty women?

3.Who is better at drawing simple pictures we often see in our everyday life?

4.What did Qi Baishi work with during his early youth?

5.Why did Chen Yifei use black as the background of Poppy?

6.Who held exhibitions abroad to promote Chinese art?

7.What is Xu Beihong’s masterpiece?

Step 4 Read the passage carefully and finish the following sentences with“True”or“faulse(B级)
1.Xu beihong was an important modern chinese folk art .( )
2.Between 1933 and 1940,Xu Beihong held several exhibitions in Europe and America.( )
3.During his lifetime,Qi Baishi developed the tradition of combining poetry with painting. ( )
4.Qi Baishi’s famous work is Racing horse. ( )
5.Between 1902 and 1909,Xu Beihong travelled across the country and painted many pictures of scenery. ( )
6.Cabbage is a picture of Chen Yifei’s. ( )
7.Chen Yifei’s soft portaits of beautiful women are very valuable. ( )
8.In 1997,one of Chen Yifei’s paintings sold for¥503000. ( )
Step 5 Read the passage again and finish the following text.(B级)Xu Beihong,Qi Baishi and Chen Yifei are important in modern Chinese folk art. During Xu’s lifetime,he developed the tradition of 1 poetry 2 painting. Across the painting, named Racing Horse, we can see a horse running 3 like a missile across the sky. Cabbage is a 4 example of Qi’s works.The tiny insect near the cabbage has some red on its back. Its black eyes, which 5 the cabbage, show the creature’s interest in the vegetable. The painting, named Poppy, is a typical example of Chen’s style. In the painting, a young woman sits alone and 6 .
Step 6改错(C级)
1.We can see the horse running at high speed like a missile across the sky in the picture.
2.Xu Beihong drew in black ink to show the moving hair the horse’s mane and tail.
3.One of Chen Yifei’s paintings sold at$503000.
4.The end of the novel leaves readers guess and imagination.
5.Her hand hold the fan is elegantly positioned above her knees.
6.He travelled cross the country and painted many pictures.
7.Its black eyes, that are fixed on the cabbage, show the creature’s interest in the vegetable.
Step 7 Complete the sentences.(C级)
1.I (看见他在画画)when I passed by his room.
2.All the students sat in the classroom silently, with their eyes (注视着) r Li.
3.Don’t (让水一直流着)while you brush your teeth.
4.We should theory (结合起) practice.
5.The heavy rain (增加了) our difficulty in finishing the project.
6.She ____________________________ (注视着) Tom.
7.____________________________ (陷入沉思), he didn’t hear the doorbell.
8.She _____________________________ (使我一直在等)in the rain.
9.If your talent is _____________________ (与……连接起) hard work , you are sure to have bright future.
10.The truck went past us _______________(高速)causing a strong wind.

班级 小组 姓名 层次
UNIT 6 Design 导学案(2)
Lesson 1 A atter of Taste
编写人:田娟 审核: 高一英语组
A tip: A good fame is better than a good face.
Learning contents: 1 认知介词的句法功能
2 常用介词的用法
Learning difficult points: 常用介词的用法(表时间 地点 运动)
Learning steps:
Step 1听写单词和词组(A 级)
Step 2语法解析(B级)
(1)There are some notes to the text at the back of this book.
(2)He likes to read English aloud in the morning.
(3)Our school is in the centre of the town.
(4) “ake yourself at home.”Uncle Wang said to me.

at sunrise
at seven o’clock__________
at New Year
如: 在21世纪
in the morning/afternoon/evening,
I will finish the work .(三小时后)
(3)on表示具体的时日或一个特定的时间,如on Sunday, on Christmas Eve。on还用表示某个特定的早晨 下午或晚上。如on a dark raining evening, .
(4)by 在…之前 ,during 在…期间。
I will have learnt 5000 words by 2012.
3. 常用表地点的介词有以下:
(1)above 在…之上(不一定在正上方,其反义词 below),on 在…之上 (与之表面接触),反义词是beneath, over 在…之上(在正上方 反义为under)
He kept his head (在水面上).
The light hangs (我们的头上).
(2) behind(意思 ), near (意思 ),还有介词词组:in front of(意思 ) ,in the middle of(意思 ) ,at the back of(意思 ), at the bottom of (意思 )等
4. 常用表示运动方向的介词有:across,along,down,to 等
(长城)winds its way across the desert.
The grey cat walked quietly along the grey fence in the grey backyard.
The Smiths go to church (穿过马路) .
1.The poor girl was born India December 5, 1996.
2.The girl sits her mother and father.
3.Jim often gets up six o’clock the morning.
4.The teacher stands the blackboard.
5.Harbin is the north of China.
6.You can see stars night, but you can’t see them a rainy night.
7.The teacher will be back an hour.
8.He can speak two other foreign languages well English.
9.The boat is passing the bridge.
10.They went to school by bike on foot today.
11. the morning of last Sunday I got up very early to do my homework.
12.Some people made noise the course of the medical conference.
Step 4高考链接(C级)
1 -----How long has this bookshop been in business?
------- 1982.
A After B In C From D Since
2 The train leaves at 6;30 pm. So I have to be at the station
5:40pm at the latest.
A until B after C by D around
3 The number of the workers has grown from 1000 to 1200. This means it has risen 20 percent.
A by B at C to D with
4 The sunshine came in the windows in the roof and lit up the whole room.
A through B across C on D over
5 The speech by the mayor of Shanghai before the final voting for EXPO 2010 is strongly impressed my memory.
A to B over C by D on
6 In order to change attitudes employing women ,the government is bringing in new laws.
A about B of C towards D on
7 Your performance in the driving test didn’t reach the required standard. ,you failed.
A In the end B After all C In other words D At the same time
8 A big fire broke out a cold night.
A on B at C in D for

班级 小组 姓名 层次
UNIT 6 Design 导学案(3)
Lesson 2 Great Buildings
A tip: Where your will is ready, your feet are light. .
Learning contents:1.Learn some listening skills.
2.Learn some key words.
Learning difficult points:aster some listening skills by listening the listening materials .
Listening Strategies :
**After listening , it is useful to think about how difficult the exercise were for you .
**ark the difficulty of listening texts like this :
A)not very B) quitr C) very
** ark the difficulty of the texts like this :
A)not very B) quitr C) very

Learning steps:
StepⅠListen and write the words of lesson 2 (A)
1._________ 2._________ 3.___________
4._________ 5._________ 6.___________
7._________ 8._________ 9.___________
10.________ 11.________ 12.__________
StepⅡListen to the radio programme and complete the table with the key words (B)
Period : ancient, modern, early twentieth century
aterials : stone, marble, glass, metal, concrete
Features : balcony, tower, roof, statue
inds of buildings : palace, bank, castle, skyscraper
inds of buildingsPeriod/styleaterialsFeatures
1. palaceancientmarbleBalcony,

StepⅢ Listen to the description again and complete the function file. (B)
Sort of , as if , looks , type of ,
like , locsted , kind of
Describing places
1.It’s on a loch, you know , a ________ lake .
2.It looks ________ it’s in the water .
3.It really looks ________ something from a fairytale .
4.It’s ________on a small island .
5.It ________ really strong .
6.It’s made of a ________ stone .
7.Inside, it’s________strange .
StepⅣListen to the sentences about Hyde Park in London ,and finish the following sentences (B)
1.One very interesting place to visit in _____is _____
2.In Hyde Park there are_____ _____ _____ and broad paths to _____ _____.
3.The gardens are very _____ and very _____ .
4.They often have _____ and parades in _____ _____.
5.When it is _____ , people sit on the _____ in the sun .
6.any people go walking in Hyde Park to _____ _____.
StepⅤEnglish joks
It is his fault
Billy and Bobby were brothers, and they often had fights with each other.
Last Saturday their mother said to them, "I'm going to cook our lunch no Go out and play in the garden - and be good."
"Yes, ummy." the two boys answered, and they went out.
They played in the garden for half an hour, and then Billy ran into the kitchen, "ummy, " he said, "Bobby's broken a window in rs. Allens' house."
"He's a bad boy," his mother said. "How did he break it?"
"I threw a stone at him," Billy answered,"and he quickly ducked
A Dear emento
Someone asked a woman, “I see that you weara locket on your neck. It must be a very dear memento from some loved one.” The woman said,“Yes, it is a lock of my husband’s hair.”
So the friend said, “Wow! You are so sentimental!But your husband is still alive. Is it necessary?”
And the woman said, “Yes! I know, but his hair is all gone.”
StepⅥ 高中英语听力技巧


) was staring at 2) Deep in thought 3) added to 4) left me waiting 6) at high speed

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