Sandstorms in Asia

逍遥右脑  2013-01-22 09:28

odule 4 Sandstorms in Asia
Learning Paper 3 Extensive Reading
Learning aims: to practice learning skills and revise words and expressions in this module.
Activity1 Read the passage on page 39.
1.T or F
(1)Germans put their garbage into different bags. ( )
(2)People can burn too much coal. ( )
(3)In the 1970s, the “Green” movement began. ( )
(4)The “Green ” movement tries to be against the government. ( )
2.Answer the questions:
(1)How do countries in Europe try to improve the environment?

(2)When and why did the “Green ”movement begin ?

(3)What does the “Green” movement try to do?
Activity2 Read the passage on page 87
1.The Dust Bowl lasted nearly ten years in America. ( ).
2.People were forced to leave the southern plains. ( )
3.The lack of rainfall caused the Dust Bowl disaster. ( )
4.The Chinese government is fighting desertification by moving people to the cities. ( )
5.The most serious situation is Africa. ( )
6.The climate is largely responsible for desertification in Africa.
7.It is important to save the forests to stop the desert advancing. ( )
2.Answer the questions:
(1)What was the worst agricultural disaster in the history of the United States?

(2)What caused the disaster ?`

(3)What is the Chinese government doing to fight desertification?

(4)In which continent are dust and sandstorms worse than anywhere else?


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上一篇:Looking good(含教案和练习)
下一篇:Unexplained Mysteries of the Natural World


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