逍遥右脑 2016-03-31 10:02
Just an annoying clown只是一个讨人厌的小丑
The two force is most suitable for you二逼最适合你
You‘re a jerk你是个混球
Shut your mouth闭上你的臭嘴
You are out of your mind你脑子有毛病
Idiot, you白痴,非你莫属
You‘re impossible 你真不可救药
Nasty nasty piece of work可恶的下流坯子
You are dead meat你死定了
Only the bitchy bitch只会犯贱的贱人
The ugly disgusting丑的让人恶心
Less play dumb with me少敢跟我装蒜
Livestock industry welcome you牲畜界欢迎你
And the pig is similar与猪是同类