逍遥右脑 2010-02-26 23:08
Last week the well-known CBS news program 60MinutesII broadcast photographs of American soldiers abusing Iraqi prisoners in the Abu Ghraib Prison in Baghdad. The prisoners in the photos, which date from last August, were being sexually humiliated, and, doubly shocking, one of the Americans doing the humiliating was a young woman. Most Americans have been reeling with horror and disgust since the broadcast. President Bush has dressed down (but not fired) Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld for neglecting to tell him of the existence of the photographs, and a wave of accusations and criticism by State Department officials is now breaking over a defiant Pentagon. The incidents of abuse have been under investigation since January, but State Department officials allege that the Pentagon has been consistently slow to respond to complaints about the way Iraqi prisoners are treated. Colin Powell's contempt for Donald Rumsfeld and his advisors, never much of a secret, is now out in the open.
Pat Oliphant's cartoon shows two thuggish US soldiers reading with obvious interest a book entitled Saddam'sIllustratedAnnotatedManualofAppliedTortureandHumiliation(Volume XXVII). The implication is that some US soldiers are picking up unsavory techniques from Saddam Hussein's days as dictator of Iraq. Sitting beside them is an Iraqi officer with "Baathist" for his name badge, the Baath Party being Saddam Hussein's political organization. The American forces in Iraq, Oliphant reminds Americans, have started to use former Baathist military officers to help put down the insurgency in Fallujah.
Meanwhile, Uncle Sam looks on from behind; he is appalled by what he finds his soldiers reading. Speaking for Oliphant is, as usual, the little bird, here with a dejected air and a grim message.(