逍遥右脑 2010-05-15 02:50
1. 职场歧视
Discrimination in an employment situation
2. 危及他人安全的违章野蛮驾驶
Erratic or aggressive driving that endangers others
3. 在和人交谈、约会、开会的时候打电话或发短信
Using cell phones or text messaging in mid-conversation or during an appointment or meeting.
4. 瞧不起服务人员
Treating service providers as inferiors
5. 取笑或议论他人的种族、性别、年龄、生理残疾、性取向和宗教
Jokes or remarks that mock another's race, gender, age, disability, sexual preference or religion
6. 少年儿童的过激行为
Children behaving aggressively
7. 乱扔垃圾(包括乱扔废弃物、随地吐痰、不清理宠物粪便)
Littering (including trash, spitting, pet waste)
8. 随意使用残疾特权
Misuse of handicapped privileges
9. 在禁烟区吸烟或未征得旁边人同意就吸烟
Smoking in non-smoking places or smoking in front of non-smokers without asking
Taking credit for someone else's work