逍遥右脑 2018-10-24 11:51
far away from
1. What am I in a world so far away from home.
2. Sorry the pictures are not so clear because my seat is quit far away from the stage.
3. I just wanna get far away from here, that's all.
4. I saw far beyond anything I'd ever seen before. You need to get away from here.
5. I saw far beyondanything I'd ever seen before. You need to get away from here.
6. If you feel lovely far away from home, look up at the stars in the sky, where there is a star for luckthat I have seed you!
far away from
7. Yes, the house is very big, but it is in the suburb and far away from downtown.
far away from的解释
8. The colonel, 'pursued by sinister remorse for having killed a man in an affair of honor, brought everything necessary for recreating the past as far away as possible from his bad memories.
9. Well, I think this is far away from a real solution!
10. The invention discloses a disposable venous blood taking set, the front end thereof is a venous needle, the back end thereof is a vacuum tube needle, the middle thereof is a connection tube, the side of the venous needle is provided with a needle handle, an adhesive tape is arranged on the needle handle, the part on the adhesive tape which is near to the needle handle is provided with an adhesive region, and the part which is far away from the needle handle is provided with an opening region.
11. Our products has gained the quality certificates from American BIFMA and Swiss SGS and are sold far away to the countrise in Europe, South-east Asia and America.
12. I successfully escaped from the percipience, I didn`t know It was the really terrible tergiversation when I felicitated myself in liu`s arms. So I was far away frome the costomary track of life.
这一次,我又成功地躲过了这种洞明,我还在 liu 的怀抱里庆幸自己的选择,却不知道,将身体和命运交给一个根本不曾爱你的人竟是对自己真正的背叛。
13. These musical instruments calmly sit in the room, has been far away from common custom making noise, looks like in the glen the fresh simple and elegant orchid, the beautiful shy virgin, is blooming quietly likely in the life the beautiful loneliness.
14. The one i used to oder is pretty far away from where i am living now. so it is kinda of urgence since i was wearing my last pair.
真是的。。你说我差个5%或者 8%的我也就不会不开心就差那么点而且她final出的还那么难。。
far away from的反义词
15. Now, you need to stay as far away from here as you can.
16. He stay far away from here.
17. Leaves simple; petiole 5-15 mm; leaf blade adaxially dark green and nitid, obovate, 6-11 × 3-7 cm, papery, abaxially sparsely pubescent, crinite in axils of lateral veins, adaxially sometimes pubescent on midvein, lateral veins 8-15 pairs, straight or not, branched far away from margin, terminal veins running into teeth, attenuate from middle to base, upper margin undulate-serrulate, apex rounded or subtruncate, tip shortly acute. Panicle terminal, 9-30 × 10-20 cm, 4 × branched, pubescent.
单叶 叶柄5-15毫米;叶片正面深绿色和有光泽,倒卵形,6-11 * 3-7 厘米,纸质,背面稀疏短柔毛,具长软毛的在侧脉腋处,在中脉上正面有时短柔毛,侧脉8-15 对,直与否,远离边缘的分枝,圆锥花序顶生,9-30 * 10-20 厘米,4回分枝,短柔毛。
18. You assume I am far away from knowing anything.
far away from
19. The chance passed the train station quickly, only a second of hesitation, love flyed far away from them.
far away from
20. Guangdong was far away from the centre of ancient Chinese civilization in the north China plain.
1. It is true that the practical functions of calligraphy are decreasing and calligraphy is getting far away from the daily lives of ordinary people.
2. And a chorus of foreigners living in China agrees that your friends become your family when you live so far away from your blood relatives.
3. Its military leaders openly admit that they want to build bigger, better warships for missions far away from the country's coastal waters.
4. Sequoia Capital's Zhang feels far away from the financial crisis, while he keeps concentrating on looking for companies with great growth potential to invest in.
5. far away from的意思
5. The findings appear to contradict assumptions that the poor cannot afford healthier foods or are too far away from shops that sell them.
6. The two cubs remained with the adult carcass and the teen managed to position himself as far away as he could from the remaining animals.
7. far away from的近义词
7. People are friendly and look for a relation with you, a sign of a healthy curiosity for what comes from far away.
8. u0061u0063u002Eu0031u0063u0061u0063u006D
8. China has faced a supply shortage of electricity, and the energy resources are far away from the load areas.
9. China began diversifying away from the dollar in earnest in 2011 by buying far more European government debt than US dollar assets.
10. Chinese chestnuts east of Beijing and walnuts from Shimen sell as far away as Germany and America.