逍遥右脑 2018-10-16 11:31
9. The 23-year-old has been a star for his club side Cerro Porteno, but seems to have played his last game for the Asuncion-based side.
这名23岁的球员已经是Cerro Porteno的一名球星,但他似乎已经踢完了自己在国内的最后一场比赛。
10. For many more good pictures displayed at this exhibition taken by fans, please refer to 歌迷拍的靓照片http://post. baidu. com/f? kz=271973710Collective Memory at Star Walk, re-structure the life of Ah Mui
11. It has been no secret since the beginning of their relatinship that if it did fail, that Kevin Federline would fight to get sole custody of his two kids with the pop tart star.
12. Zhuang Yan, Chairman Mao Zedong declared the People's Republic of China, the Central People's government set up and personally raised the first Five-Star Red Flag.
13. In a short time, he had become one of the horsemanship program's star pupils.
14. He took the Star-Child to his house, and there he put the boy in the dark basement.
15. The king took off his crown and put it on the Star-Child's head.
16. Guinness'role as Obi-Wan Kenobi in the original Star Wars trilogy, beginning in 1977, brought him worldwide recognition by a new generation.
17. I made it as a rock star on my own.
18. I quit the band and never looked back. I made it as a rock star on my own.
19. The spectrum is just an image of the star in various wave lengths.
20. Linqing City Zhongyang Building Materials and Machinery Plant is the production of building materials machinery Luxi Star Enterprise, is set research and development equipment manufacturing and sales services in an integrated and high-tech enterprises.
1. 星;恒星
A star is a large ball of burning gas in space. Stars appear to us as small points of light in the sky on clear nights.
e.g. The night was dark, the stars hidden behind cloud.
2. 星状;星形物
You can refer to a shape or an object as a star when it has four, five, or more points sticking out of it in a regular pattern.
e.g. Children at school receive coloured stars for work well done.
3. (饭店、宾馆等的)星级标志
You can say how many stars something such as a hotel or restaurant has as a way of talking about its quality, which is often indicated by a number of star-shaped symbols. The more stars something has, the better it is.
e.g. ...five star hotels.
4. 明星
Famous actors, musicians, and sports players are often referred to as stars .
e.g. ...Gemma, 41, star of the TV series Pennies From Heaven...
杰玛,41 岁,电视连续剧《飞来横财》中的明星
e.g. By now Murphy is Hollywood's top male comedy star...
5. (在戏剧或电影中)担任主角,主演
If an actor or actress stars in a play or film, he or she has one of the most important parts in it.
e.g. The previous year Adolphson had starred in a play in which Ingrid had been an extra...
e.g. He's starred in dozens of films.
6. (戏剧或电影)由…主演
If a play or film stars a famous actor or actress, he or she has one of the most important parts in it.
e.g. ...the BBC's new satirical show, That Was The Week That Was, which starred David Frost.
e.g. ...a Hollywood film, The Secret of Santa Vittoria, directed by Stanley Kramer and starring Anthony Quinn.
7. (报纸、杂志上登载的)星象
Predictions about people's lives which are based on astrology and appear regularly in a newspaper or magazine are sometimes referred to as the stars .
e.g. There was nothing in my stars to say I'd have travel problems!
8. 多亏运气好
If you say that someone should thank their lucky stars that something is the case, you mean that they should be very grateful that it is the case, because otherwise their situation would be a lot worse.
e.g. Thank your lucky stars you're out of London.
1. BERLIN - South Korean pop star Rain not only learned to act for his film debut.
2. American swimming star Michael Phelps posted his second victory in two days, capturing the men's 100 meter butterfly at the Canada Cup swimming competition on Sunday.
3. Formula 1 star Jenson Button's girlfriend has put her modelling career in the fast lane with a racy new campaign.
4. Best Buy still runs a local chain known as Five Star Applicances, which it took over.
5. The temptation is strong to view China as a rising star with volcanic buying power.
6. The biggest attraction of a restaurant opened by a movie star is of course the star himself.
7. star
7. Those changes would be made by the tug of a planet's gravity on the star.
8. star什么意思
8. She revealed that she always kept in touch with the star of the Matrix, but by letter and not email because Reeves does not have a computer.
9. star是什么意思
9. The media ambushed the rock star after he arrived by private plane Thursday shortly after midnight at Taipei.
10. The teen star also confesses acting is the only career for her, although she would like to continue with her education alongside film commitments.
1. star是什么意思
1. the topology of a network whose components are connected to a hub
Synonym: star topology
2. a star-shaped character * used in printing
Synonym: asterisk
3. (astronomy) a celestial body of hot gases that radiates energy derived from thermonuclear reactions in the interior
4. any celestial body visible (as a point of light) from the Earth at night
5. someone who is dazzlingly skilled in any field
Synonym: ace adept champion sensation maven mavin virtuoso genius hotshot superstar whiz whizz wizard wiz
6. a performer who receives prominent billing
Synonym: headliner
7. an actor who plays a principal role
Synonym: principal lead
8. a plane figure with 5 or more points
often used as an emblem
1. u0061u0063u002Eu0031u0063u0061u0063u006D
1. mark with an asterisk
e.g. Linguists star unacceptable sentences
Synonym: asterisk
2. be the star in a performance
3. feature as the star
e.g. The movie stars Dustin Hoffman as an autistic man