
逍遥右脑  2018-10-12 11:10


18. With regard to fear, in the Austrian thief in front of almost all of UD, I have no fear of taking on too much, is generally used to interrupt the outbreak he or rhythm, and sometimes good luck when he hit just kidney fear that it is the fear of the most perfect, and by the feeling of, Oh, there are ways, however, is that when you attack him mad by fear, the general attack on End Some thieves then Gouge, Kidney direct hit something that can not be when kidney is fear that the luck to see.

19. Office party: The party in charge of discipline inspection, trade unions, Communist Youth League, women's federations of the day-to-day affairs, the coordination of the Office of the relationship between; responsible for the organization, propaganda, ideological and cultural progress, united front, the Overseas Chinese Affairs (Federation of Returned Overseas), planning, statistics, Letters and visits, labor and personnel, secretarial and administrative services, logistics and so on.

20. But at this moment, I am deeply in love is only front these wisp of fragrancescongeals, several point light, that share has contained the very long emotion in the moral nature, in this winter, when some strolls in the snow seeks the plum, finally has heard the nature elusive sound sound.

front 词典解释

1. 前面;前部;正面
The front of something is the part of it that faces you, or that faces forward, or that you normally see or use.

e.g. One man sat in an armchair, and the other sat on the front of the desk...
e.g. Stand at the front of the line...

2. (建筑物)临街的一面,正面
The front of a building is the side or part of it that faces the street.

e.g. Attached to the front of the house, there was a large veranda.

3. (人或动物的)身体前部,前身,胸部
A person's or animal's front is the part of their body between their head and their legs that is on the opposite side to their back.

e.g. If you lie your baby on his front, he'll lift his head and chest up.

4. 前面的;前部的;正面的;(位置)在前的
Front is used to refer to the side or part of something that is towards the front or nearest to the front.

e.g. I went out there on the front porch...
e.g. She was only six and still missing her front teeth...
她才 6 岁,门牙还没长出来。

5. (报纸)头(版)的,首(页)的
The front page of a newspaper is the outside of the first page, where the main news stories are printed.

e.g. The Guardian's front page carries a photograph of the two foreign ministers...
e.g. The violence in the Gaza Strip makes the front page of most of the newspapers.


6. 海滨道
The front is a road next to the sea in a seaside town.

e.g. ...a stroll on the front...
e.g. Amy went out for a last walk along the sea front.

7. front

7. (战争中的)前线,前方
In a war, the front is a line where two opposing armies are facing each other.

e.g. Sonja's husband is fighting at the front.

8. (某个)方面,领域
If you say that something is happening on a particular front, you mean that it is happening with regard to a particular situation or field of activity.

e.g. ...research across a wide academic front...
e.g. We're moving forward on a variety of fronts.

9. (装出的)样子;假面具
If someone puts on a particular kind of front, they pretend to have a particular quality.

e.g. Michael kept up a brave front both to the world and in his home...
e.g. His laugh-a-minute image is just a front to hide his deep unhappiness.

10. (非法或秘密的组织或活动的)掩护,幌子
An organization or activity that is a front for one that is illegal or secret is used to hide it.

e.g. ...a firm later identified by the police as a front for crime syndicates...
e.g. He said the present civilian government is just a front for the old military regime.

11. (冷热空气交汇的)锋
In relation to the weather, a front is a line where a mass of cold air meets a mass of warm air.

e.g. The snow signaled the arrival of a front, and a high-pressure area seemed to be settling in...
e.g. A very active cold front brought dramatic weather changes to Kansas on Wednesday.

12. (常用于政治组织名称中)阵线
Front is often used in the titles of political organizations with a particular aim.

e.g. ...the People's Liberation Front.

13. 面对;朝向
A building or an area of land that fronts a particular place or fronts onto it is next to it and faces it.

e.g. ...real estate, which includes undeveloped land fronting the city convention center...
e.g. There are some delightful Victorian houses fronting onto the pavement.

14. 领导;作为…的领袖
The person who fronts an organization is the most senior person in it.

e.g. He fronted a formidable band of fighters...
e.g. The commission, fronted by Sir Isaac Hayatali, was set up in June 1992.
由艾萨克?哈亚塔利爵士领导的这个委员会建立于 1992 年 6月。

in AM, use 美国英语用head

15. front

15. 作为…的主唱
The person who fronts a pop group or rock band is the main singer.

e.g. He also fronted a group called Haircuts That Kill.
e.g. ...the debut single from the new five-piece fronted by singer Melissa Heathcoate.

16. 在前面;在最前头
If a person or thing is in front, they are ahead of others in a moving group, or further forward than someone or something else.

e.g. Officers will crack down on lunatic motorists who speed or drive too close to the car in front...
e.g. 'What's with this guy?' demanded an American voice in the row in front.

17. (在竞赛或比赛中)处于领先位置
Someone who is in front in a competition or contest at a particular point is winning at that point.

e.g. Richard Dunwoody is in front in the jockeys' title race...
e.g. Some preliminary polls show him out in front.

18. 在…前面;靠近…前部
If someone or something is in front of a particular thing, they are facing it, ahead of it, or close to the front part of it.

e.g. She sat down in front of her dressing-table mirror to look at herself...
e.g. Something darted out in front of my car, and my car hit it...

19. 在…面前(做或说);当着…的面
If you do or say something in front of someone else, you do or say it when they are present.

e.g. They never argued in front of their children...
e.g. He has been brought up not to swear in front of women.

20. 在国内方面
On the home front or on the domestic front means with regard to your own country rather than foreign countries.

e.g. Its present economic ills on the home front are largely the result of overspending...
e.g. On the domestic front, the president got his way with his budget proposals.

front 单语例句

1. The collarless gowns are buttoned down the front or on the right and are embroidered with floral patterns.

2. The Times of India on Tuesday splashed its front page with " Quitting buzz grips the capital " despite strong official denials that Singh would quit.

3. The term " new social strata " is by no means a United Front invention.

4. u0061u0063u002Eu0031u0063u0061u0063u006D

4. The established social systems bred by prevailing laws and rules are right in front of our eyes.

5. front的解释

5. She was really worried that Sam wasn't bothered by the fact that his wife was making out with another guy right in front of her.

6. Demonstrators shout their defiance after militiamen acting as police fire in the air in an attempt to disperse the protest in front of Libya's parliament.


7. Away from the obvious problems caused across the country by the sheer numbers, the Golden Holiday concept is flawed on another front too.

8. It is steered by a joystick on the side of the cockpit rather than with a steering wheel in the front.

9. A subsequent march by the protesters ended on a square in front of the Beiyang Government headquarter.

10. front的翻译

10. In front of me, older men in twos and threes passed by in deep discussion.

front 英英释义


1. the side that is seen or that goes first

2. front的翻译

2. the outward appearance of a person

e.g. he put up a bold front

3. front的解释

3. a group of people with a common ideology who try together to achieve certain general goals

e.g. he was a charter member of the movement
politicians have to respect a mass movement
he led the national liberation front

Synonym: movement social movement

4. front

4. the side that is forward or prominent

Synonym: front end forepart

5. front什么意思

5. the line along which opposing armies face each other

Synonym: battlefront front line

6. the part of something that is nearest to the normal viewer

e.g. he walked to the front of the stage

7. the immediate proximity of someone or something

e.g. she blushed in his presence
he sensed the presence of danger
he was well behaved in front of company

Synonym: presence

8. a person used as a cover for some questionable activity

Synonym: front man figurehead nominal head straw man strawman


9. (meteorology) the atmospheric phenomenon created at the boundary between two different air masses

10. a sphere of activity involving effort

e.g. the Japanese were active last week on the diplomatic front
they advertise on many different fronts


1. confront bodily

e.g. breast the storm

Synonym: breast

2. be oriented in a certain direction, often with respect to another reference point
be opposite to

e.g. The house looks north
My backyard look onto the pond
The building faces the park

Synonym: look face

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上一篇:be conscious of是什么意思_be conscious of在线翻译_双语例句
下一篇:in the vicinity of是什么意思_in the vicinity of在线翻译_双语

