
逍遥右脑  2018-10-12 11:08




robot 基本解释


名词机器人; 遥控装置; 自动机; 机械呆板的人

robot 相关例句


1. Japanese industry is making increasing use of robots.

robot 网络解释


1. 机械手:配备有自动清洁装置、筒子输送装置、定长装置;配置先进的纺纱器、智能化的电脑触摸显示屏幕以及快速精确的气动机械手(ROBOT)和USTER电子清纱器,打破了转杯纺纱机只能纺粗支纱和机织纱的传统理念.

2. ?械舞:POPPIN--从机械舞(ROBOT)演变而来,一种可以让人产生机械感错觉的舞蹈,是funky style里的经典舞种,70年代末期出现在美国西岸,之后繁荣到全世界,一直到今天;其中又细分出形形色色充满想象力的多种风格...Poppin Battle也是目前世界街舞比赛的常规项目!

3. 机械人:影像式追瞳系统除了可追踪使用者的视线之外,也可测量其眨眼的频率,用以侦测使用者的身心状态,在经过电脑的处理判断后,可以判断眼睛为睁开或闭上,而可以利用此判断结果来控制机械人 (robot) 的动作,例如采用眼睛睁开及闭上来产生不同的讯号编码(signal encode),

robot 双语例句


1. The abundance requirement for lacunaris plastic makes it is a consequent for the plastic producing with automation and high productivity. Therefore, it is very necessary to design a manipulator that can automatically fulfill the plastic holding. With the analysis of the problems in the design of the plastic holding manipulator and synthesizing the robot research and development condition in recent years, a economic scheme is concluded on the basis of the analysis of mechanical configuration, transform system, drive device and control system and guided by the idea of the characteristic and complex of mechanical configuration, electronic, software and hardware.

2. To make the robot moving smoothly and improve the control precision, the control system must have proper compensation.

3. Secondly, the dynamics of the redundant flexible cooperative robot system is analyzed.

4. United States mymelody rabbit toys, food, etc.鼠王. Over the age of 5, choose some of the dolls could speak, the U. S. high-tech remote-controlled robot, such as DIY intellectual toys...

5. Based on this platform, the moving control character of space robot is studied, and the system time delay is analyzed.

6. Dr Krach and Dr Kircher reckon this shows that the less human-like a robot is in its appearance, the less it will be treated as if it were human.

7. It is a robot/balloon/kite.

8. The technology of robot is an important branch of high technology.

9. The heavy load work machine redesigned from the big shotcreting robot has the loadability over 2 tons.

10. The robot has been built, and is going to be tested out by the engineer.

11. No, I can't. Robot, can you do the dishes?

12. This paper presents a new model-following variable structure control methodology used for robot. The methodology requires only the position input, but doesn't require the velocity and acceleration input.

13. In this paper, a bond graph method for the dynamic simulation of robot mechanisms is introduced in detail.


14. The research uses Zero Moment Point concept in the application of equilibrium of a biped toy-robot by single motor. Adopting 4 connecting rods drives the feet step forwards and lifts the legs movements of the robot. There is a couple of parallel cranks setting on the mechanism of the robot.

15. Robot, can you set the table?

16. This paper presents the scheme of a versatile robot for on-site repair of hydraulic turbine blade.


17. The robot can select turning directions active, sent its head into the turning tube, its joints moves respective, and it sent every joint to the turning tube by the effect of pulling and pushing.

18. He said South Korea and Israel were already deploying armed robot border guards.


19. Therefore, we may estimate that it will also be permeated in each section of the industry and agriculture in our country and have an important effect on precision machining, robot technique and industrial automatization. At the same time, the quickly-changing sofrware and hardware of computers will also bring a wide foreground for the applications of solid-state image sensor.

20. Asembly robot; hearing; speech recognition system

robot 词典解释robot

1. 机器人;自动操作装置
A robot is a machine which is programmed to move and perform certain tasks automatically.

e.g. ...very light-weight robots that we could send to the moon for planetary exploration.

robot 单语例句

1. They will also get the chance to put their engineering skills to the test in a robot challenge.

2. robot

2. The federal Mine Safety and Health Administration sent a rescue robot to the mine, situated about 100 miles northeast of Charleston.

3. robot是什么意思

3. It will drop off a humanoid robot as well as an oversize closet full of space station supplies.

4. The contest was aimed to sort out the most combative robot in the country.

5. He said he is currently discussing commercial production of the robot with an Australian software firm.

6. A worker from a Japanese company shows visitors a therapeutic " robot " seal named Paro, which is used to provide a companion to the elderly.

7. The upper part of the robot is furnished with a radio signal receiver, compass and various chips.

8. robot的近义词

8. Imagine a cooking robot, able to conjure up the tastiest traditional Chinese recipes in a couple of minutes.

9. The advanced control system of the robot's sensors and actuators is hidden in its belly.


10. The film follows the adventures of a young robot, is costing about $ 80 million to make and will screen in October.

robot 英英释义


1. a mechanism that can move automatically

Synonym: automaton golem

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