be modeled after是什么意思_be modeled after在线翻译_双语例句

逍遥右脑  2018-10-09 11:37

be modeled after
be modeled after 双语例句

1. School books should first be modeled after the one established base, and then further development.

be modeled after是什么意思

2. It will be modeled after the British health care system and restrict what kind of medical procedures can be provided to patients.

3. It is common for the rules that define trust to be modeled after real interactions across businesses.

4. Several household items can also be modeled after your favorite dog breed.

5. It will be modeled after a study conducted in Canada by Meeting Professionals International Foundation Canada, released earlier this year and based on the United Nations World Tourism Organization`s measurement model.

6. Should sports leagues for kids be modeled after professional athletes?

7. It is no wonder that …; be modeled after; ) This theme park is modeled after the living scenes in ancient China, so it is no wonder that it is popular with everybody.

8. Lotteries use in the process, easy to counterfeit, copy, there will be altered after the Maoling Award, the famous brand products in order to sell fake and forged their use lottery, the lottery different from the ordinary print, in the event of a fake, manufacturers not only in the economic be subject to loss, and the reputation and image have to pay a heavy price, which the lottery-like pseudo-function very important, the quality of printing tickets manufacturers technical level vary greatly, although some manufacturers of the products are cheap, but even a single function-like pseudo - No, printing rough, simple process, altered and modeled after the great room, this will give users a lot of lottery losses.

9. Every item you imagine could either be modeled after your favorite dog breed, have a picture of the breed painted on it, engraved or embossed on it, or affixed onto it in one or the other manner.

10. The program will be modeled after a popular BBC series called'The Archers'

11. Leahy said he envisions the panel modeled after the truth commission in South Africa that investigated the apartheid era, and that immunity from prosecution could be offered to those who cooperate.

be modeled after的近义词

12. After all, both types of plant can be modeled by a single fully-flexible program, such as THERMOFLEX.
毕竟,两类电厂是可以由一个通用软件,比如 THERMOFLEX,来模拟。

13. Circuits described are modeled to behavior sets after abstraction, and can be replaced by their behavior sets during functional test vector generation procedures.

14. After process enhancements are modeled by you, these changes can be simulated and validated in multiple what-if scenarios for comparison and analysis.

15. Another alternative, he outlines in his journal article, would be to develop law schools modeled after American military academies such as West Point.

16. Judging from the types of activities, can be divided into four types that are family-type, the modeled after type, literary friendship type, type that associated and respond with poetry and Ci.

17. I can't be sure, but I believe that Cameron was modeled after Allison.

be modeled after 单语例句

1. They might be modeled after the acrobats who served in the imperial palace to entertain the emperor.

2. A varsity jacket modeled after the one Jackson wore in the " Thriller " video will also be available.

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