美国男子沉迷中国网络小说 竟成功戒除毒瘾
逍遥右脑 2018-10-07 13:43
A man in the U.S. managed to cast off his drug habitafter he found something even more alluring:Chinese web novels.最近美国一男子成功戒掉了毒瘾,原因是因为他找到了更让他上瘾的东西:中国网络小说。

The books' unique content and imaginative plotsrejuvenated the troubled man's life, media reported.据媒体报道,网络小说里独一无二的内容和富有想象力的剧情让他重获新生。Kevin Cazad, a software programmer, resorted todrugs to alleviate his pain after breaking up with hisgirlfriend. Severe drug addiction caused him physical and mental pain, even threatening hislife at times.凯文·卡扎德是一名软件工程师,自从和女友分手之后他便一直用毒品来麻痹自己。严重的毒瘾给他带来了身体和心灵上的双重痛苦,甚至多次威胁到了他的生命。But things changed in 2019, when Cazad first came across online Chinese literature.但是2019年事情出现了转机,当时凯文第一次邂逅了中国网络文学。"In the past, whenever I went home, all my attention was on drugs. But when I go home now,the only thing that occupies my mind is Chinese web novels. Like drugs, they can also becomean addiction, but the difference is that they can't harm your health," Cazad told the SouthernWeekly during an interview, adding that he used to finish five volumes of a popular Chineseweb novel named "Coiling Dragon" in a single day.凯文在一次采访中对《南方周末》表示:“以前不管什么时候回家,我的注意力都会集中在毒品上。但是现在,回家之后我脑子里想的唯一一件事就是中国网络小说。它们就跟毒品一样会让人上瘾,但是区别在于它们不会损害你的健康。”他还表示,自己之前甚至在一天的时间内就看完了五部《盘龙》。Cazad's story shocked the author of the book, who told the Southern Weekly that he neverexpected so much enthusiasm from a foreign reader.凯文的故事让这本书的作者都感到震惊,后者向《南方周末》表示,他从没想到过一位外国读者会如此痴迷他的作品。"Many readers have written letters to me, saying that my web novel reshaped theirunderstanding of life. Some even attribute their achievements to inspiration they got from mybooks. It was like, are you guys kidding me?" laughed the writer, who goes under the alias "Ieat tomatoes."该书的作者“我吃西红柿”大笑着说道:“许多读者给我写了信,说我的小说重塑了他们对生活的理解。有些人甚至把他们取得的成就归功于从我书中得到的灵感。你是在逗我吗?”
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