逍遥右脑 2018-10-02 12:03
4. As a biographer he felt the responsibility to explain Deng's point of view and why he made the historic decisions.
5. " The Queen is contemptuous of monarchies that do pick and choose and do retire, " said royal biographer Penny Junor.
6. biographer的翻译
6. The FBI was investigating harassing emails sent by Petraeus biographer and girlfriend Paula Broadwell to a second woman.
7. biographer
7. " I think she's secure in the public affection now, " said royal biographer Penny Junor.
8. Schwarzenegger biographer Joe Mathews said the public shouldn't have been all that surprised by this week's revelations.
9. " He was one of the funniest men I have ever met, " said Ustinov's biographer John Miller.
10. " Personal factors enter into such a decision, " Nixon recalled for a Ford biographer in 1991.
1. someone who writes an account of a person's life