逍遥右脑 2018-09-27 13:54
Payments made on Chinese smartphones are nearly50 times greater than the number of mobiletransactions in the United States, signaling a late-mover advantage with robust potential for thefintech sector, the Financial Times reported.据《金融时报》报道,中国移动支付的规模是美国的近50倍,显示出中国在金融科技这一方面具有的后发优势及巨大的潜力。

The value of third-party mobile payments more thantripled to 38 trillion yuan ($5.5 trillion) in China lastyear according to estimates by consultantsiResearch, while Forrester Research reported a 39 percent increase to $112 billion in the UnitedStates.据艾瑞咨询公司估算,去年中国第三方移动支付的价值增长了近三倍,达到了38万亿元人民币(约合5.5万亿美元),而佛雷斯特研究公司则报告称,美国的移动支付市场规模只增长了39%,仅为1120亿美元。The rise of Chinese mobile payments has been driven by the explosive growth of onlineshopping as well as internet financial services such as peer-to-peer lending and readily-accessible money market funds, the newspaper reported.据报道,中国移动支付的增长是由网购的爆炸式增长以及P2P和随处可得的借贷资金等互联网金融服务所共同驱动的。Online sales surged 26.2 percent to 5.2 trillion yuan in , according to the National Bureauof Statistics. Over half of Chinese mutual funds are now sold online, up from only 5 percent in2019.据中国国家统计局称,2018年中国网络销售额增长了26.2%,达到了5.2万亿元。现在中国超过一半的共有基金都在网上销售,而2019年这一数据还只有5%。Last year was a turning point for online payments, the newspaper pointed out, as theirpresence at physical retailers became ubiquitous.报道指出,去年是在线支付的一个转折点,很多实体店都开始引进并支持移动支付。Customers can choose to pay with their mobiles at Starbucks, Ikea or even breakfast stalls andmanicure shops.客户们可以在星巴克和宜家里用手机付款,甚至在早餐摊和美甲店里也可以。While Alipay and WeChat Wallet, the payment arms of the country's tech giant Alibaba andTencent respectively, play dominant roles, the US market is split between Apple, Google,Samsung and Paypal.阿里巴巴旗下的支付宝和腾讯旗下的微信钱包主宰了中国市场,而美国市场则由苹果、谷歌、三星和贝宝四分天下。
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