米歇尔含泪发表告别演讲 几度哽咽

逍遥右脑  2018-09-23 11:50

Michelle Obama has delivered her final remarks as First Lady ? making an emotional defence of the nation’s diversity and telling her young audience “the country belongs to you”.米歇尔?奥巴马发表作为第一夫人的最后一次演讲,激动地捍卫美国的“多元化”传统,她对年轻观众说:“美国属于你们。”

Speaking at the White House during an event to honour school counsellors, she said she hoped she had made people proud in the role.米歇尔在白宫表彰学生辅导员的活动中发表演讲,她说她希望自己做到了让大家以这份职业为荣。The outgoing First Lady hosted 50 school counsellors as part of her Reach Higher Initiative, which has championed advisors across the country and encouraged students to pursue post-secondary education whether at a professional training programme, a community college or university.性格开朗的米歇尔招待了50名学生辅导员,他们都参与她主导的“做更好自己倡议”,这份倡议鼓舞了全国的学生辅导员,鼓励学生参加中等以上继续教育,不论是职业培训、社区学院还是大学。This year’s winner, Terri Tchorzynski, from the Calhoun Area Career Centre in Battle Creek, Michigan, introduced Ms Obama as the “First-Counsellor-in-Chief” and praised her work in education.今年的获胜者是来自密歇根州巴特尔克里克市卡尔霍恩地区职业培训中心的Terri Tchorzynski,她称米歇尔是“总辅导员”,盛赞她为教育所做的贡献。After thanking the counsellors for their work, Ms Obama spoke directly to young people saying: “Know this country belongs to you.在对各位学生辅导员表示感谢后,米歇尔直接向青年人喊话:“记住:美国属于你们。”In a sometimes emotional speech, she added: “Our glorious diversity…is not a threat to who we are. It makes us who we are”. She ended tearfully, saying thank you, and hoping she “made you proud”.演讲中,米歇尔不时情绪激动,她说:“我们伟大的多元化传统…,不会威胁我们,是多元化缔造了我们。”结尾的时候,她满含热泪,表达感谢,希望自己让大家感到光荣。The winners were selected by the American School Counsellor Association. Prior to being joined by the First Lady in the East Room, the school counsellors and several other guests attended a panel featuring Education Secretary John King Jr, former Education Secretary Arne Duncan, and Friday Night Lights actress Connie Britton.年度最佳辅导员的获胜者由“美国学生辅导员协会”评选。米歇尔进入白宫东室出席活动之前,各位学生辅导员和其他嘉宾参加了由教育部长小约翰?金、前部长阿恩?邓肯和电影《胜利之光》的女演员康妮?布里顿主导的讨论会。School Counsellor of the Year is an annual White House tradition started in 2019 by Ms Obama.年度最佳辅导员评选由米歇尔在2019年创立,形成惯例每年评选。This will not be Ms Obama’s final public appearance however. She is scheduled to be a guest on The Tonight Show starring Jimmy Fallon next Wednesday.这次讲话不会是米歇尔最后的公开亮相,按计划,下周三她还将做客吉米?法隆主持的“今夜秀”节目。
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